What is a good way to expand your life span

What is a good way to expand your life span

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Life expectancy can be increased simply by going outside. That exposure triggers cells in your skin to produce Vitamin D which is essential for bone health and is turning out to be important in depression, heart disease, diabetes and just about everything. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-expand-your-life-span ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to expand your life span
Is there any way to expand your pet rats life span!
Unfortunately not much can be done to extend your rat’s lifespan by a lot, but little things you do can add up. Make sure your rats are happy and healthy, eating the right food (a quality lab block not pet store crap and getting only health…

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Is there any way to expand your pet rats life span!?
Q: HeyO i have had loads of pet rats in the past and all of them made amazing pets! i wabt to get another one but i was just wondering if there was apsolutly any way to make your pet rat live over its original age (which is 2-3 yrs! i just love them so much and i spend LOADS of money on them and it is such a shame they dont live long sooo is there any way to double its life span or highier is alittle!
A: Unfortunately not much can be done to extend your rat’s lifespan by a lot, but little things you do can add up. Make sure your rats are happy and healthy, eating the right food (a quality lab block not pet store crap and getting only healthy treats), neutered or spayed (reduces risk of cancer later in life), and kept in a clean environment. The rat’s genes also play a role; if you adopt a rat from a breeder chances are your rat will live longer since it won’t be from inbred and poorly bred pet store lines.
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A: the difference is that fruit has a substance called fructose and sugar is sucrose. fruit has vitamins and minerals that sugar doesn’t. plus, processing always means chemicals and bleaches, etc. are used. we get cane sugar. there are other types that are better for you. but hard to come by. beet sugar is another, that one is from the beet, so it has both sucrose and fructose. cane has only sucrose. niether is bad for you used in moderation. the problem is when you eat too many processed foods with “high fructose corn syrup” or hidden sugars in french fries, packaged dinners, etc. read labels. it will help.i’ve never heard that sugar raises blood pressure. salt does, if you eat too much and are prone to high blood pressure. sugar does contribute to type 2 diabetes. being overweight and eating too much fat and sugar is another move toward diabetes. if it’s in your family, be extra careful..
how do I take extra care of a very old dog?
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A: Talk it over with your vet he may have a solution and if he doesn’t then make everyday special

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