What is a healthy percent of body fat

What is a healthy percent of body fat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a healthy percent of body fat”,you can compare them.

For women, an acceptable percent of body fat would be between 25 and 31 percent. For men, it is between 18 and 25 percent. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-healthy-percent-of-body-fat ]
More Answers to “What is a healthy percent of body fat
What Is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage for Women?
Body fat percentage refers to the weight your body carries that is fat tissue. Though most of us are in envious awe of athletes with reported body fat percentages of 3 to 5 percent, the reality is…
What percent of body fat is healthy for…?
body fat doesnt matter for age or height or weight since it is a percentage of your body, so the number is already relative. healthy for girls is about 18-23 %
Is my percent body fat healthy?
No, its not. You are supposed to have 8% body fat…. even though your 97 lbs I suggest you lose some weight quickly before people start thinking there’s a whale on the loose.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a healthy percent body fat (for women)?
Q: Mine is 18.6%. From what I’ve read this is under the desirable range (22-33%). 14-20% is considered very athletic. Under 12% and you stop menstruating and risk infertility. Does this sound right?I certainly don’t feel ‘very athletic’ yet that’s what my % body fat tells me.
A: I think that age and height factor into this. Look at the link below.
What is a healthy body fat percent?
Q: Mine is 14%What is healthy? What is considered skinny? Fat?How accurate are home scales that calculate it?
A: you can always go to some trackers like teengrowth.com and mypyramid.com to help calculate your BMI, but since you are 14% you are in the perfectly healthy range, even on the skinny side a little bit. People with more muscle build will have much less BMI, as well as skinny people. Even at about 25% or slightly more you could still be in the may be overweight later in life range, but most of my insanely skinny friends are like that, so your all in the clear!
healthy weight and percent body fat?
Q: im a 13 year old girl, and weigh about 128 lbs. I play national bound ice hockey so im more muscular than most girls.. Whats a healthy weight? oh and im about 5 foot 7 inches. Whats a healthy body fat percentage? thank you so much in advance!
A: 12-18% body fat or so is normal and healthy. anything over 2% is ok for athletes.It sounds like your about normal weight, maybe slimmer then someone else your height and weight if a lot of it is muscle.And don’t trust online body fat calculators, they are often wrong by as much as 10-15% and if you have a body fat of less then 10% they won’t work on you.And your BMI comes up as 20.0 which is normal weight.And i think you might find some of the sites in my “sources” list to be interesting.

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