What is the average percentage of body fat on a person

What is the average percentage of body fat on a person

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the average percentage of body fat on a person”,you can compare them.

The average body fat for a woman is 22-25%. For a man it is 15-18%. Thanks for asking ChaCha! Have a great day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-percentage-of-body-fat-on-a-person ]
More Answers to “What is the average percentage of body fat on a person
What is the average or healthy body fat percentage for a person m…?
Between 19%-27% is good for a girl your age. For particularly athletic muscular girls as low as 13%-17% is still acceptable. I don’t know what method they were using to measure your body fat, but I can pretty much guarantee you are not 7.4%…
What is the most accurate way for the average person to calculate…?
Hydrostatic is by far the most accurate. You can get it done at most local gyms or health clubs. If you don’t have access to that, the one we used in the army is the tape measure. It is based on 3 tapings for accuracy. On the male you will …

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What is the most accurate way for the average person to calculate there body fat percentage %?
Q: What is the most accurate way for the average person to calculate there body fat percentage? Now i don’t have access to water displacement but the online calculators don’t seem the best way…or are they? I’m interested because i’m going into law enforcement and am curious just to see how i measure up because they do have body fat requirements. i think i’m like maybe 13% from what i calculated on some online calculator
A: You could Do your height and your weight . but that doesnt really do anything cause you could have alot of muscle and be short and it would make you seem really fat. get a clamper thinger.
What is the average or healthy body fat percentage for a person my age?
Q: 15 year old female. :)Thanks!!I’m 7.4%. I just learned in gym today…is that low/average/high?Thanks!well I am 5’3″ and 96 lbs. not bad?
A: Between 19%-27% is good for a girl your age. For particularly athletic muscular girls as low as 13%-17% is still acceptable.I don’t know what method they were using to measure your body fat, but I can pretty much guarantee you are not 7.4% body fat because that would be almost impossibly low and downright dangerous for a female unelss she was a pro-body builder in competition shape: http://www.hantelparty.de/xt/female-bodybuilder.gif
At what body fat percentage do your abs become completely visible?
Q: I know it varies by person, but I was curious on average what body fat percentage do your abs become completely visible? Without having to flex them? Thanks in advance.
A: For men below 10%.

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