What is the best way to lose weight fast and healthy

What is the best way to lose weight fast and healthy

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to lose weight fast and healthy”,you can compare them.

A safe way to lose weight fast is to drop your calories to 1,050 to 1,200 calories (don’t drop below) and exercise an hour a day. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-lose-weight-fast-and-healthy ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to lose weight fast and healthy
What is the best way to lose weight fast in 2 months but healthy …?
It is possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 months if you actually need to lose a lot of weight. But if you only need to lose about 15 to 20 pounds, then it will be difficult. Most people who need to lose weight can lose about 8 pounds a month if…
What is a good healthy way to lose weight really really fast??
6 SMALL meals a day and run and stay active it works
How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way, but Fast, and Keep It Off For…?
・ 1 FORGET EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVER LEARNED ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT. Put it all out of your mind, you have to… ・ 2 Grocery Shopping. This is going to be fun! Go to the grocery store and buy at least 5 kinds of fresh… ・ 3 Bring groceries home …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best and healthy way to lose weight fast?
Q: I’ve heard that since I am young that I can get it off faster than someone twice my age. ( I’m 22. 🙂 ) So what can I do that is healthy, fast and actually works? I don’t want to join a gym or have to pay to lose weight. ( I might buy some vitamin pills or something along that line) But nothing that will put a hole in my pocket. I’ve tried the whole water diet. (Where you cut off the sodas and just drink water) And all I ever did was just pee alot, which got annoying. Lol. But pleeaassee! People who have lost weight, what did you do and how did you keep it off? Thank youu!
A: Go for gradually increasing regular walks –cut excessive carbohydrates and sweets–regular eating habits and controlled sleeping hours-should help you-
What is the best way to lose weight fast and healthy.?
Q: I have a wedding to go to in about 2 weeks and need to shed a few faster than normal any helpful tips?
A: walk swim cut on food but eat right
What is the best weight to lose weight fast?? healthy or unhealthy. either way?
A: well the best way would be a healthy way, no? i mean, the quickest way would probably be to just starve and not eat. but the best way that is also fast would be to limit your portions a bit and to exercise as well, good cardio work outs to burn fat. and drink lots of water.

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