What is the most pounds you can gain in a day

What is the most pounds you can gain in a day

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most pounds you can gain in a day”,you can compare them.

You can’t lose or gain pounds in a day. unless you literally eat to death. or eat till you’re sick. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-pounds-you-can-gain-in-a-day ]
More Answers to “What is the most pounds you can gain in a day
How many pounds can you gain in a day?
Well I answered your 3 day question but I guess I’ll answer this one too. If all you did was eat junk food all day, I bet for one day you could manage to stuff yourself with about 25,000 calories, hypothetically. It’s probably not something…
Is it possible to gain 3 pounds in one day?
Its probably water or muscle gain or not going toilet, etc; or chances are somethings wrong with your scale. 1 pound = 3500 calories So the only way you could have put on 3 pounds is if you ate 10,500 calories which is highly unlikely
Is it possible to gain 2 pounds in one day?
You would have to eat 7000 EXTRA to gain 2 pounds. For instance, if your normal diet consists of 2000 cals and you are maintinaing ur weight you woud have to eat 9000

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