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Can you use niacin to clean out your system

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A:Scientific studies have shown Niacin does not affect drug screenings, but can pose a risk of overdose, causing arrhythmias, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-use-niacin-to-clean-out-your-system ]
More Answers to “Can you use niacin to clean out your system
Can you use niacin to clean out your system
Scientific studies have shown Niacin does not affect drug screenings, but can pose a risk of overdose, causing arrhythmias, MORE?

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Q: i smoked this morning and have court in like 4 days and i might get tested , what can i do or get to clean my system in that time? , ive heard bleach and milk ,dietary detox stuff , niacin and b-12 pills , are any of those ledgit? and how long will it take get out using what method? give me some ideas of your own or tell me if you have tried and of the one i listed.P.S. I DONT WANT ANYONE TELLING ME NOT TO SMOKE OR THAT IM STUPID AND POT IS BAD , NOONE CARES , LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!
A: WaterSure we all know to drink water, but I bet most of you over do it and just dillute everything. If you’re trying to clean out then you don’t want to just be pissing out water, you need to be getting rid of all the shit that’s inside of you so here’s what you should do. Drink 12 to 16oz of water atmost every hour. This will make you piss more, but won’t over do it. The day of testing and maybe the day before you will want to slow down your water intake to about 12oz of water every hour and a half. You don’t want to dillute your sample unless you really need to, so this is to not get your test back dilluted so you have to retake it, but to keep your piss less concentrated and stay just below the dillution level.Cardiovascular ExerciseWorking out, running, jogging, anything that gets you active and burns fat will loosen up the THC in the fat cells and you will piss out more of the stuff you don’t want in you. Remember though that you will want to stop working out atleast 48 hours before your test, because you don’t want your piss to be flooded with the very thing you’ve been rushing out of your body. Eat unhealthily for these 2 days and get your body back into a fat storing mode.Hope you like SpeedGo buy some diet pills, yellow jackets, whatever you get that will speed up your metabolism because the more fat you burn the better. Have fun with this one because you shouldn’t be getting high right now so I know you’ll want to do something else during that time. Be responsible though.AspirinTaking 4 aspirin before your test WILL help you out. According to Jeff Nightbyrd, there is testing industry data that taking 4 aspirins a few hours prior to the test might help you. “. . . aspirin interferes with the Syvia [sic] EMIT assay. It seems that aspirin absorbs at the same wavelength that NAD does which is how it interferes with the assay” (Clin Chem 34 (90) 602-606). Two reliable sources have tested aspirin and found it to interfere with the EMIT. In the future they will try to find a way to circumvent this test flaw. Until then, I certainly recommend taking advantage of the situation and using aspirin.Although it is no miracle drug, it will lower the count some and if it can’t hurt you, it can only help.Just as a little tip, your first 3 pisses of the day will will have the highest count of THC in it, so when taking your test, make sure that you’ve atleast gone a couple times before you get there. Hope this helps you some of you out. I leave you with a little quote my friends:Drinking water with bleach, taking some niacin, eating some goldenseal, or anything else like that is BULLSHIT. If those all worked then there would be no detox companies.
Why do people say that Niacin doesnt work to pass Drug test?
Q: I use it all the time…I keep it safe and stay clean for about 4 days to make sure im clean. But a friend of mine… He has smoked the day before his Pee test, basically KILLS himself with Niacin, and he passes. Every month he does this for a U.A. test.(I also drink tons of water)So to everybody that says “there is no way to clean out your system”, “The only way to get clean is to stop smoking”, crap like that, You can suck my balls !Niacin WORKS and I think it only costs about 8-15 bucks at GNC. You just have to use it right
A: Because they actually haven’t had to get clean for a test and are just copy/pasting crap from websites. I’ve passed a test by only quitting 3 days before it and all I did was drink a few gallons of green tea and grapefruit juice. And I was a super smoker, smoking BC all day long.
Military drug test!!!! HOW TO PASS?
Q: I use to smoke pot for about a year now…pretty regularly…sometimes not everyday, but for the most part, everyday for a year…wanting to better my life and join the coast guard or air force..taking the ASVAB in a couple days, and if all goes well i’d like to get going as soon as possible. I haven’t smoked in 5 days, and am nervous that if i pass the ASVAB and go to meps that i’ll fail the drug test. i don’t want to wait for my system to clean itself out naturally, if there is another way for me to show up clean on the test and get this out of my system i’d rather go that rout. I’ve heard alot about detoxers, but this is a military piss test (not hair test) so im sure those detoxers would show up, i’ve heard niacin works but i can never know for sure, anyone know anything about niacin??..Its not cheating if i plan on not smoking any more. Definitely not while im in service. so for all you out there with the negative comments…don’t waste your time. If anyone has any suggestions for this pickle i have gotten myself into it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.PS. i drink plenty of water and juices, and run/exercise/lift 5 days a week..6 foot, 165 lbsDon’t do drugs…bla bla bla..yeah i get that part..now on to the answers to the question i asked…i’ve said i don’t plan on smoking anymore..it’s not even a huge deal for me, i’ve been clean for almost a week after smoking for a year. I feel no urge what so ever to go smoke some pot. AND besides i know personally plenty of people in the military that smoke pot while in active-duty. Don’t waste my time. only helpful answers please. thanksObviously ppl must think that everyone that goes into/ or is already in the military is an angel and could never do anything like smoke pot…WRONG. welcome to the real world.My step dad use to be in the army in the early 90’s. told me that while over in germany on active duty, the command officer in charge sat there and drank a bottle of whiskey while the others in the unit smoked hash infront of him…comon people. wake up!
A: wait for 3 more weeks before you take the drug test. hopefully you do not have much body fat. thc stores in the bodys fat and is slowly filtered out of the body. of course you can get a bottle of detox. follow the directions, and urinate 2-3 times before the test because the urine will be discolored at first from the detox drink.
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