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How can you get over the flu

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To get over the flu, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of clear fluids (like apple juice and hot tea with lemon). MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-you-get-over-the-flu ]
More Answers to “How can you get over the flu
Getting over the flu can be a lengthy period. You need to take plenty of rest and drink lots of fluid in order for your body to start recuperating. This can take a while and you need to be able to rest in order for you immune system to get …
You have to treat the symptoms until it runs it’s course. Make sure to stay hydrated. On average it takes a week to two weeks to get over it. You can get a medication from your doctor like tamiflu, which when used as directed, can shorten t…
Getting a flu shot before the flu season begins is always a good idea. Sure, the day or two after I get the shot I feel some of the symptoms, but I’d rather feel light-headed for a day than feel like human waste for a week. The beginning of…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are good ways to get over the flu?
Q: My husband has the flu and he is so sick. He threw up like 6X today he is pale and has body aches and all he wants to do is sleep and rest. I had a touch of the flu where my stomach was very senstive and all I could eat was bread and dry cookies water and iced tea, although I am feeling better, I feel very weak and I cannot eat regular food yet. What are good ways to get over the flu and how can my husband and I feel better? What foods should we be eating? What medicines should we be taking? What foods should I give my husband he said he was hungry but I dont want him to throw up again, any advice you have would be very helpful and thank you in advance for posting.
A: Rest, very small amts of liqids frequently if vomiting continues. Take acetiminophen or ibuprophen for temp and/or body aches if NOT ALLERGIC TO THEM. If his vomiting continues and he cant keep any liquids down, he could become dehydrated quickly. Just make sure he gets a few teaspoons of liquids every little bit. If he cant keep anything down, he needs to see a health care provider as dehydration can be dangerous if continues. Try clear liquids like ice tea, water, jello, popsickles chicken broth etc.
How can I get over the flu by tomm?
Q: As you all know, thanksgiving is tommorow, and I think I have come down with the flu :(. I woke up this morning feeling really out of energy, cold, and my whole body aches. I can barely stand for more than a couple of minutes because I am so dizzy. I have a horrible headache and am sensitive to sound and light. I just took my temperature, and it was 103.6. I don’t know how to make this go away by tommorow. Please help me!!
A: You can’t. The flu is a virus and like all viruses, it has to run it’s course. As far as the headache, the sensitivities you speak of are indications of a migraine.. These are trigger points. I know, because I get migraine. have one now, only I took my med and I’m doing better. The temp is always the body’s way of letting you know that an infection is starting because the white blood cells are trying to ward off and are attacking whatever is in your body. That’s their job and it will cause a rise in temp. It also can be a sign of dehydration. You need to drink a lot of water and with at temp that high, it’s dangerous in adults. You should go to the ER NOW. You may not even have the flu. Are you vomiting, runny nose, coughing? Oh the dizziness is also a sign of dehydration. You can’t and won’t make it go away that fast. Please reconsider and go to the ER. Feel better and just in case you are contagious, you should not be in the company of others. You don’t want to spread it around to them do you. It’ wouldn’t be very fair to them.
What can I do to come over the flu?
Q: What should I eat to be healthy so I cang et rid of the flu? I have to go back to school tomorrow and i don’t want to be absent again. How much sleep should i get? And any other health tips for getting rid of the flu would be very greatful.Thank you
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