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How do u get better from the stomach flu

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There is no vaccine or cure for gastroenteritis. If you have it, you’ll want to rest until you feel better. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-u-get-better-from-the-stomach-flu ]
More Answers to “How do u get better from the stomach flu
How do u get better from the stomach flu
There is no vaccine or cure for gastroenteritis. If you have it, you’ll want to rest until you feel better.

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If we both cheated at one point should we forgive each other and try to move on in our relationship?
Q: So my girlfriend and i have a very long history since middle shool. we’re now juniors. and we’ve been through being best friends, friends with benefits and obviously bf/gf so we know that we both have hooked up with other people when we werent going out. Anyway i got mad at her one day because she gave one of her close guy friends a kiss on the cheek good bye which is not that big of a deal so im not sure why i really got upset. and then she got mad at me for being upset about it but later when we were talking she had to confess that she cheated one time and gave some kid an handjob on the bus from some place she had to go to. and she said that she didnt do anything else to him or with him and all that happened was she put her hand in his pants and did that she didnt even see anything. obviously thats still not alright but i really love her and i said i can forgive that cuz there was this one time where i cheated too. i went much further than that and it was with this girl at school that doesnt like my gf very much so they dnt talk or get along and its prolly cuz i hooked up with her at one point. and then she wanted me to be very honest with her and say if i did anything else with anyone else and i said that one time when we were just friends with benefits (but were attatched to eachother and were going to go out offically soon, its a complicated relationship like i said) that i hooked up with someone else too. I told her i wanted to continue the relationship and she said that she really loved me too and realized how much i mean to her and wouldnt do something like that ever again, so i thought we made up. Then the next day we had a field trip at school and she looked upset while we were sitting on the bus together and i asked what was wrong and she was like i just cant get over the fact that you cheated on me for that one girl cuz shes such a bitch and everything. and i was like well u cheated too. but then she was like but all i did was move my hand up and down in his pants and i didnt even see anything but u made a much more physical and emotional connection with that other girl…(i think thats kinda stupid, its the same either way no matter how u cheat). and then she was like im happy that you can get over what i did but its just so hard for me to do the same for you. so i said if we both made this mistake we can trust eachother that we wouldnt do it again cuz we both know how it feels now. and we can make it through this together then. and she was just like whatever u cheated, game over. but she didnt break up with me cuz we still talked a little on the ride home and haha one of her friends was teaching me how to braid her hair so we were still flirting like that. now she hasnt talked to me at all this weekend and she got a stomach flu but she wouldnt answer when i called her, or my facebook wallpost, or the inbox message. i feel like if she wanted to break up she would have done it right then and there on friday when we were talking after the field trip. it says on facebook we’re still in a relationship and her profile picture is still her and me kissing but yeah idk what to make of this. one of my friends who is also a pretty good friend of hers just thinks shes doing this for attention cuz she wants me to be constantly devoted to her trying to call her all the time and stuff, to show i care. i think i agree with that too though. she did break up with me before tho before we got back together again and when she did she still couldnt stop talking to me and stuff because she said that she couldnt get over me like she though she could nd neither could I (like i said we have a long history and everything). but idk now she said that she doesnt want to and we were flirting like bf/gf and she was letting me feel her up and stuff (tmi sorry) so it seems like she doesnt want to but now shes ignoring me which makes me have to wonder that maybe she is thinking about a break up. im getting her flowers and stuff for tomorrow when i see her at school and try to talk it over with her. but how should we go about this whole thing. my friend said, dont think about the negative that might happen, think about the positive steps that you definitely will take so that the negative doesn’t happen.Sorry for the whole novel, but please answer! thank you
A: Okay I’ve read everything because you answered my extremely long question. I think you two should really break up again because obviously she does not trustyou and never will. She can’t get over the fact that you cheated on her, she mine as wellnever forget about moment that either… She is to concerned about you. If she can’t get overit then obviously leave her because in the future she might not treat you the same as she didbefore and maybe might treat you more negatively. You don’t want that right? You want a goodfuture? Then you have to break up with her again. Sorry to burst your bubble. :SAlso, once someone cheats on you is always going to be cheating on you. Do you know why you guys broke up the first time you guys were dating? Was it because she cheated on you and you deciced to give her another chance? Was it because she treated you like junk?Once someone cheats on you will always cheat on you. Once someone treats you like a jerk will always treat you like a jerk in some parts. Remember, jerks can’t ever become 100% nice. Its a true fact. 🙂
How do you fake sick with out parents making you go to the doctors?
Q: i know i asked this already;; i wanted to see if i could get different answersi don’t wanna go to school next Wednesday,cause i hav a speech due 4 public speaking i hav that class every Wednesday and i have to memorize it and i haven’t even started it so i can use the extra week., so how do i pretend to be so sick i cant go to school but cant go to the doctors. and if my parents make me go to the doctors how do i get out of it.plz help;; think of when u were last sick what happened?i hav a good immune system and haven’t had like a stomach virus or flu since like 7th grade; but what might convince my parents i hav been going out with a wet head latelyaand when ur sick do u stay up miserably or sleep alot?i am going to go on wikihow alsoand my plan was to when i get home from school tomorrow act like really sick and not go on the computer and jus laydown and not eat. and ima start tonight acting a little sick like make it sound like i hav a stuffy nose n stuff and not finish my dinner n stuff aand tomorrow ima hide food in my room and not eat dinner at allis that good???btwi know ill hav to do it anyway i jus cant write and memorize a speech in 2 days that we can do on anythingreally u dont cause my gmas always yelling at me 4 iti was planning to be sick tonight and have my mom suggest i stay home and i would fight to go to school and tomorrow night be sicker and let her let me stay homei no i will have to do it;; i jus want more time to do it
A: ok well a couple of things that i know you usually don’t have to go to the doctors for is heartburn, headache, cramps, bad stomache ach (might have to go to the doctors for that one especially if you throw up or you can just fake something else that you can get over the count and tell your parents that the doctor is just going to say to get something over the counter medicine….) so…..Mine http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081020125204AAhwL2zHers http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhUt611ccDuqxa7zRXsQM0x67hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20081020124741AANZXV9
This may sound like a stupid question?
Q: Ok, I’m 7w2d pregnant with baby #2. With my 1st child I only puked once and that was right after eating cottage cheese. ( Something she still doesn’t like). This pregnancy has gone relatively good! No major sicknesses or anything so far. Yesterday I had an emergency dental appointment as I have an infection from a tooth that needs a root canal. The infection got into my gum causing swelling, redness and inflammation along with a bump that the dentist said was pure infection. I was also told that infection is why I haven’t been feeling up to par. I was given the antibiotic Clindamycin and am going in Monday for my root canal. Today i felt a lot better then yesterday, but not 100%. However, more of myself. I ate half an apple and 1/3 a container of yogurt for breakfast as I felt hungry but realized I really couldn’t eat. I realized i really had no appetite. About 20 minutes ago I had a wave of nausea so bad that it sent me running to the bathroom. However, I did NOT puke. Now? I am extermly nauseated and feel as puking will help. However, as weird as it sounds…my body will NOT puke. I have not puked since the age of 12. I get the flu..but don’t puke. My body won’t allow me to. I know it sounds weird, but even my Dr knows this. But right now I wish I would puke as it may help me feel better. The ONLY time i puked was when eating that cottage cheese when i was preggers before. So here is my questions? Is this morning sickness ( nothing I ever had with my 1st child) or is this from my infection or the antibiotic? Can I tell the difference? Also…how do I get myself to puke as I actually feel as though it would help me feel better>? I know getting sick to ur stomach is no fun, but honestly, if u felt the way i did u’d be asking the same. Does anyone have any remedies or anything? Please help…I’m desperate.
A: Yep that’s morning sickness although the antibiotics could be upsetting your body, it probably a combo of nausea, antibiotics and feeling sick. If you want to throw up you can try and swallow your hand (you’ll now your doing it right if you gag and your eyes water, keep going) or you can take a tsp if ipecac. I was nauseous and could not throw up for weeks until I took a tsp of ipecac after that it got better and sometimes just the smell of the stuff would make it easier to throw up. Also when nausea hits try and eat soda crackers or cheerios (plain or honey nut) to quell it. Ginger tea or beer (nonalcoholic) could also help. Try to keep track of your triggers, I notices pretty early in pregnancy I couldn’t not go down the detergent aisle in the grocery store, the smell was too overpowering and would make me dry heave. To avoid this happening I would send the husband to fetch the dish soap. I hope I helped, good luck.
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