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How long can the flu last and It’s symptoms

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Flu can last 2 weeks and symptoms are Fever, Chills, Dry cough, Sore throat, Runny, or stuffy nose MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-can-the-flu-last-and-it%27s-symptoms ]
More Answers to “How long can the flu last and It’s symptoms
How long can the flu last and It’s symptoms
Flu can last 2 weeks and symptoms are Fever, Chills, Dry cough, Sore throat, Runny, or stuffy nose MORE

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Does the Swine Flu Cough Go Away, How Long Does it Last?
Q: I had Swine Flu the last week of Oct. and it’s now the middle of Nov and I’m still coughing, I’m still choking on phlem in my throat and twice this week I puked from the coughing. It’s horrible. And I’ve tried hitting it with everything I know of and so has my doctor and his partner. Everyone in the doctor’s waiting room was in there for the same Swine Flu cough. We can’t shake it. Does it go away and how long can it take? Does anything help with the vomiting from it? The flu seems to have settled in my left lung. The right lung is clear and a chest xray didn’t show anything bad. I don’t know what else to try. I’ve tried mucinex, pseudophedrine, nyquil, bendaryl, albuterol, licorice, ginger, and shittake. They have now given me a steroid inhaler, I’ve been reluctant to try it, though, but I’m getting desperate. Does anything work on the cough and phlem? The other flu symptoms went away after a week, but this is what I’m left with.It’s still in my left lung. I’ve been taking garlic oil for almost five days and that seems to have stopped alot of the phlem, but I still cough, still have some of it in my throat and the left lung doesn’t feel right. I just can’t get rid of it.
A: I have the same problem as you! The cough will not go away! But the cough is starting to fade because of a trick my doctor told me right when i got the Swine Flu. She said do not take any medicines that will dry you up because that will make the cough last longer. She had this problem herself when she got the swine flu too. and she said all you will really need and even be able to take is Robitussin DM. Not the other kind but “DM”. It won’t dry you up. It will help the virus to flush out of your body by allowing all that crap to get out and that’s what needs to happen or else you will get stuck with a dry cough that hurts until you vomit. The Robitussin DM won’t cure the cough entirely but it will help you to rid yourself of all the muck that is in your lungs.
How long will I have the flu?
Q: During the last two days I have had the classic flu symptoms(aches, chills, fever, puking, headache, and diarrhea). How long can I expect this to last? I’m a teenager so it’s not likely to turn into something too serious, I hope.
A: I would say another 3 days. Just make sure you are replacing the liquids that you are throwing up. You don’t want to become dehydrated because that would suck. Get plenty of rest and you should be fine. If the nausea becomes bothersome, you could always see your doctor and he/she will prescribe an anti-nausea pill to help with the vomit ting. Get well..<smiles>
When will the flu go away??? How long does it usually last?
Q: My oldest son 13 came down with the flu last Thursday. Took him to the doctor Friday morning and the flu was confirmed. NOT the stomach flu. He ran a fever of at least 103.5-105 F up to today making it 5 days! My youngest son 10 came down with it last Friday making it 4 days for him so far. I haven’t taken him to the doctor because I’m pretty positive it’s the flu also and the doctor didn’t do anything for my oldest son except give him prescription Ibuprofen and Tamiflu. I called the doc trying to get Tamiflu for my youngest, but can’t get ahold of him. Now it’s too late to take that. I started symptoms on Saturday, not much of a fever, but body aches, sore throat and coughing. My youngest just woke up with a 104 F fever. I have been giving them Ibuprofen every 6 hours and Tylenol every 2 hours to bring down the fever along with lukewarm showers. I feel like crap, but have to tend to them. How much longer can I expect this to last? Any other advice to speed up this “getting well” process? I have been keeping them hydrated with water, sugar free gatorade, sprite, etc…What more can I do? How much longer? Why me? Should I contact the doctor again?Let me correct myself…Tylenol 2 hours after giving the Ibuprofen, not every 2 hours.
A: You should contact your doctor. At the least you should keep him informed of your situation. As for how long to expect the Flu to last, it all depends upon a number of things. The Flu can last from one week to six weeks. There are just too many factors involved that cause it to vary in the way it reacts from one person to another. Most times you can expect it to last about a week, with some effects hanging on for another week afterward. It is too late now since you have caught the Flu, but you should definitely get the Flu shot next season. Too many people have the misconception that it is “only the Flu”. Flu viruses can, and do, kill people every year. It was the Flu that killed over 30 million people in 1918. The Flu shot each year is the only method we can use to hope that we can prevent such a pandemic as there was in 1918. Many people also think that they don’t want the Flu shot because it can give you the Flu. This is not true! You have either caught another strain of the Flu that the shot doesn’t protect that year, or you only have a lessened effect of the strain where the Flu shot has helped to reduce the full effects of the virus. This usually happens when one has been exposed just before getting the shot. Children, seniors, or people with heart conditions are especially vulnerable, and the Flu shot is very highly important for them. For all others in between those ages the Flu shot is still very important to have if for no other reason than to protect others from exposure from you as well as you own health. After all, would you like to be one that dies from the Flu, only to leave your children without you? As for reducing a high temperature, use a cool bath. If a temperature gets to 105 you would need a prescribed medication to help get the temperature down. It may also be necessary to get the person into the hospital. If a temperature gets to this range, and higher, there is a risk of brain damage. Hospitals may also use ice baths to help this. With high temperatures a person should never take chances. Contact the doctor immediately, or get to the hospital. A good source for information about the Flu is found here: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/ also here:http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/default.htm Never treat the Flu lightly. It can be very mild, or very deadly. You can never tell how it will react on you, even though it might be light on others it can be deadly to you.
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