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Is a stuffed up nose and a cough a symptom of the flu

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The common flu symptoms include: Fever (usually high), headache, muscle aches, chills, extreme tiredness, dry cough, runny nose [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-a-stuffed-up-nose-and-a-cough-a-symptom-of-the-flu ]
More Answers to “Is a stuffed up nose and a cough a symptom of the flu
Is a stuffed up nose and a cough a symptom of the flu
The common flu symptoms include: Fever (usually high), headache, muscle aches, chills, extreme tiredness, dry cough, runny nose

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A: when i had mono i wanted to sleep all the time and when i was awake i was crank. my throat was very swollen and pretty much the only thing i could eat were Popsicles. and as for swine flu symptoms you can go to health.com for a list of symptoms i hope i helped you
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A: My 5-year-old diabetic son just got the flu even though he had the flu vaccine. So, I now know the flu symptoms well and the difference between a cold and the flu. If you have a fever, I would be concerned that you have the flu. But if not, and you have nasal congestion, it probably is a cold. During both my pregnancies, I had colds constantly. You’re more susceptible to viruses and colds because you are pregnant. Below is a web site that compares the symptoms to both of them. 🙂 The ER is probably not a great idea because there are so many colds and viruses going around this time of year and you may actually pick up something when you’re there! Kind of ironic, right?As far as the baby slowing down movement, you did the right thing by calling the OB and scheduling an appointment. In addition to checking the movement of your baby, your OB can also prescribe you antibiotics if he/she feels its necessary (for your cold/flu). Don’t worry too much, though, everything is probably just fine with your baby. I know with my first I made several trips to the OB concerned about little movement. One thing to remember is that because you’re working so much and probably moving around a lot, your baby won’t be as active. My OB told me with my first that when you walk around and work, it “rocks” the baby and makes him/her sleep. Good luck to you and you’re baby!!
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