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What are signs that a dog shows when having a stroke

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A:Canine stroke symptoms include changes in behavior, loss of balance and in severe cases blindness, heart arrhythmia or collapse. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-that-a-dog-shows-when-having-a-stroke ]
More Answers to “What are signs that a dog shows when having a stroke
What are signs that a dog shows when having a stroke
Canine stroke symptoms include changes in behavior, loss of balance and in severe cases blindness, heart arrhythmia or collapse.

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Q: Last night he let out a weird, sharp howl/ moan, and when I turned the light on he was laying on his side with his head bent all the way back and eyes bulging out. It scared me to death. I thought maybe he got his ear snagged on something but then I realized he was not conscious. I started talking to him and he seemed to come to. He looked at me like ‘what?’ and just wanted to go back to sleep. He didn’t have any of the other signs of a stroke or heart attack. He is getting old. He is a 10 yr old Shih Tzu and starting to show signs of aging. He just has a blank stare sometimes. I am taking him to the vet next week. I don’t know if last night was something serious or he just had a bad dream? His eyes bulging out and wide open didn’t look like he was sleeping tho. And that howl was one I’ve never heard before. But he seems fine today. Except he hasn’t pooped yet and that’s not normal. And he might not be drinking his water now I think about it. so he could be dehydrated? But he still eats like a horse. He is the love of my life. Sometimes I just fuss over him too much :)That was also the first thing I thought when I saw him like that – that he was having a seizure… i checked and he did not wet himself.
A: i own a shih tzu and he has never done that i would get an appointment tomo instead good luck
Did my dog have a stroke or a bad dream?
Q: Last nite he let out a weird , sharp howling moan, and when I turned the light on he was laying on his side with his head bent all the way back and eyes bulging out. At first I thought maybe his ear got snagged on something b/c his head was bent back so far. Then I started talking to him he seemed to ‘wake up’ .. he looked at me like ‘what?’ and had a hard time keeping is eyes open (he was tired). he just wanted to go back to sleep. He is old. He didn’t have any other signs. He acted fine and he just wanted to go back to sleep. He is a 10 yr old Shih Tzu and starting to show a lot of signs of aging. He just has a blank stare of an old dog lately. I am taking him to the vet next week. I don’t know if last night was something serious or a bad dream? His eyes bulging out and wide open didn’t look like he was sleeping tho. And that howl was one I’ve never heard before. But he seems fine
A: it does sound like a seizure #
My parrot is throwing up when I pet her… Help?
Q: Her name is Jenny. She(We think it’s a she) is a Jardine’s Parrot ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-fronted_Parrot ).About 2 and a half years old.I have personally only ever had a Swainson’s Rainbow Lorikeet, who died 1 year and 7 months ago.He died of what we believe to be a stroke caused by an infection in his beak. Signs showed that he had a stroke, but afterward he was pukeing (stretching his neck and flicking his head with a thick, yellow goo comieng out) And a few days after the stroke, he died while I was asleep. He was my first bird, so I don’t really know how to handle this. I’m going to call the breeder I got Jenny from tomorrow after school- it’s too late for calls at the moment.Ok, As any bird owner knows, birds LOVE head scratches. Well, Jen is no exeption. I was scratching her head and upper back, and she usually loosens up her wings and floofs her feathers and makes a kissy noise- what I assume is the bird equivilent to a dog when you find it’s spot and it’s leg goes crazy. But lately, she has been flailing her head in a weird way(not the way when she does it to be goofy), and I just noticed a small amount of vomit in her mouth. I read on a different question that it is a sign of mating behaviour in some birds, but I don’t know. She is fine right now, actually walking upsidedown and looking at me… And now eating a peanut. Can anyone help me? I’m really worried.Oh, and I meant the head flail/throwing up as an addition to the floofing and kissy noise.
A: Your bird is only regurgitating for you. Normal? Absolutely. Regurgitation behavior in birds might best be observed in the nest. When a hen is sitting on eggs, the father of her chicks will many times gorge himself, only to return to the nest and purge to feed his mate. Once the eggs hatch, the resulting baby birds are completely dependent on their parents for food, requiring the adult birds to regurgitate their meals to feed their newborn offspring. Regurgitation is also a way that birds show each other that they are “interested”. This is a natural courting behavior, and it’s very common for pet birds to regurgitate on other birds, their favorite people, or even their favorite toys. If your bird regurgitates on you, it’s most likely a sign that he or she loves you very, very much — try equating it to being given a dozen roses or a box of chocolates. True regurgitation is very obviously non-violent; the bird may stretch and pump it’s neck a bit in the process, but will be calm and won’t show signs of distress.
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