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What are some of the symptoms of the flu, do you feel cold and hot at the same time

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Fever 100 F to 104 F to 106 F is one of the first symptoms to develop from the flu. You will feel hot, then cold, then hot, which can seem like you feel cold and hot at the same time. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-of-the-symptoms-of-the-flu%2C-do-you-feel-cold-and-hot-at-the-same-time ]
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What are some of the symptoms of the flu, do you feel cold and ho…?
Fever 100 F to 104 F to 106 F is one of the first symptoms to develop from the flu. You will feel hot, then cold, then hot, which can seem like you feel cold and hot at the same time.

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just drunk or pregnant?
Q: lastnite i went out and i got pretty drunk, but not like PLASTERED drunk…there is a chance i MIGHT be pregnant but im not sure yet (to early i think)my question is… is it possible to throw up 7 times after drinking (being drunk) in 1 nite? i have drank way more than i did before some nites, and i never throw up!!! and if i do,its only once!!!!.. i was pregnant before and i threw up (morning sickness) VERY early on and it was everyday for the first 2 months… and this reminded me of the SAME type of throwing up.. i was dry heaving the 3-7th time lastnite.. it was horrible!so, what do you all think?i did take a test yesterday.. this is the result…http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/Mar…http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/Mar…also, my chest has been sore the past week and ive been having flu/cold like symptoms (feeling hot! then cold, can’t sleep at nite,dizzy)im still not feeling well.. shakey and gross.
A: If you think you might be pregnant, WHY were you drinking at all???
just drunk or possibly pregnant??
Q: lastnite i went out and i got pretty drunk, but not like PLASTERED drunk…there is a chance i MIGHT be pregnant but im not sure yet (to early i think)my question is… is it possible to throw up 7 times after drinking (being drunk) in 1 nite? i have drank way more than i did before some nites, and i never throw up!!! and if i do,its only once!!!!.. i was pregnant before and i threw up (morning sickness) VERY early on and it was everyday for the first 2 months… and this reminded me of the SAME type of throwing up.. i was dry heaving the 3-7th time lastnite.. it was horrible!so, what do you all think?i did take a test yesterday.. this is the result…http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/MarineWifey19/08-01-08_1414.jpghttp://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/MarineWifey19/08-01-08_1413.jpgalso, my chest has been sore the past week and ive been having flu/cold like symptoms (feeling hot! then cold, can’t sleep at nite,dizzy)im still not feeling well.. shakey and gross.
A: Well provided the result was still valid when you took the picture (not more than 10 minutes after you took the test) then yes, it look like you are pregnant to me! I had the same result on a few of my recent tests..The fact that you drank shouldn’t matter because you look like you are still in the very early stages of pregnancy. I would mention it to the dotor when you go just to be sure,Good luck!Try eating a banana to make you feel better. They really help with hang overs!
medical misdiagnosis of multiple sclerosis?
Q: O.K. here is the issue: In October 2008 I became very sick, went to the ER with high fever half of my face numb and flu feelings X10. ER doctor gave me 3 green steroids for my throat being extremely swollen & Penicillin & said “Pharyngitis” meaning “swollen pharynx” a general broad diagnosis. I filled the Penicillin and went home, Woke up about 3 am and my entire body from head to toe was numb, Could not feel hot or cold, needle pricks, sunshine etc. I became worse went to the County ER, they did every test just about possible. My heart rate when checked was 38-42. The doc there released me gave me a refferral for Emergency MRI, no one contacted, I got worse throwing up to the point I threw up foam and then air. Went back to the first ER, They did not do much, same thing, Went back again heart rate was 42 again, I was not coherant, could not write etc. Was fed up with doctors and stayed home so very sick, I started to stop throwing up and all about a 1 1/2 weeks. Was still numb all over which lasted 6 weeks. My strength came back over time I walked outside a few days before Thanksgiving and felt sunshine! First time since mid October.Made an appt with Neurologist, was told, You have to see a Nurse Practioner becuase of your insurance, Hey I did not care, I just wanted to find out what had happend to me, I told her all of my symptoms, She said O.K. I will set up an MRI for you and at the end of the appt she said “I will have to contact the Dept of Health to notify DMV to revoke your license” I was upset as you can imagine. she told me “I can not morally let you drive because you could have a Multiple Sclerosis attack while driving and kill yourself and others” (There was NO MRI’s or definative anything diagnosing me!) and then she told me a bit about MS and that “it comes in waves” At that moment in time I was more upset over the license. So I went home and it hit me a day or two later, what she said! When you have an MS attack. I told family members! As you can imagine it was chaos, some wanting to get checked for MS. Almost sold my fairly new vehicle, contacted the public bus company here and filled out an application for disabled pass because of MS, Went to a therapist to talk about MS, Signed up for a clinical drug trials here, Had to explain to my 16 yr old, Joined MS online groups checked out books from the library on MS, Just about everything you can imagine I did to get prepared for living with MS. So in January Finally had a brain MRI, had to wait over 1 month for results which were negative, WHAT A RELIEF!!! But the NP’s boss a doctor ordered a neck MRI to look for MS still, I felt like they were MS cheerleaders. 2nd MRI negative. Had a follow up with the NP, trying to get her to reverse the DMV documents she sent in, she said she would. Did not apologize for the hell she put so many through, Just said “Well it’s something I had to do” But it’s been 3 weeks! & DMV driver safety division just contacted me about her revoking my license. Also should I have to pay the co-pays based upon her telling me “You could kill someone driving when you have an MS attack”?The doctors office wants me to pay $25.00 for the office to fill out my DMV reversal documents. Should I?I’ve been told by some people in the medical field to file a complaint or take action. I have family in the medical field & I am in the vet field. Although I would never ever tell someone their pet has a terminal disease without definative evidence. Several in the med field said that “There are people who commit suicide over being told they have a terminal disease, for example HIV/AIDS” So should I have to pay the unnecessary expense because of this Nurse Practioner?I welcome all input, Please be nice, I’ve been through alot!P.S. They never found out what happened to me for 6 weeks, why I was so very sick.
A: There is no definitive test for MS. Plenty of people have been told they have MS and they don’t. MS is a very, very difficult disease to diagnose. This fact is well known in the medical profession and in the courts. MS is usually diagnosed after a person has had two attacks separated in time, and has had an MRI that shows old lesions and active lesions, and has been observed by a doctor to have some physical or mental symtoms of MS. Doctors and nurses are not infallible when trying to make determinations of diseases that are difficult or near impossible to diagnose. MS happens to be one of them. The medical profession protects itself by keeping written medical records which is what the courts go by regardless of what is said. No medical professional puts a diagnosis in a medical record without several confirmations from a number of sources be they diagnostic or the opinion of more than one professional. They’re no fools. The medical profession also is not held responsible for what patients decide to do or feel after they are diagnosed or misdiagnosed be it selling something or jumping off of a cliff. States also vary in what the rules are as far as rescinding licenses issued by the division of motor vehicles. The nurse supplied the information on your physical condition which might be required in your state. In many states a diagnosis of possible multiple sclerosis might well be enough for a revocation. Many, many people live a relatively normal life even though they have MS. It is not fatal and very often it is not disabling. It is not unusual for the medical profession to be unable to diagnose someone. It doesn;t mean that there is nothing wrong or that they are guilty of doing something wrong. What you went through is not unusual. It is typical of the diagnostic process when it is suspected that someome has MS. Keep in mind that the lesions that MS causes do not show up until a person has had the disease for some time. In my case it took ten years. MS or one of the many diseases that it mimics might very well be diagnosed at a later time should your symptoms reappear. Insurance companies also advise people to get a second opinion in the instance of a diagnosis of a chronic or serious diseases because they know that the medical profession is only human and the profession is part science and part art.
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