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What can lidocaine be used for

Health related question in topics Lidocaine .We found some answers as below for this question “What can lidocaine be used for”,you can compare them.

A:Lidocaine topical systems are used to relieve pain and discomfort associated with herpes zoster virus infection of the skin. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-lidocaine-be-used-for ]
More Answers to “What can lidocaine be used for
What is lidocaine?
Lidocaine is a medication that helps to treat cases of herpes. The medicine is on a patch and you apply it to the infected area to make the feeling go away.
Why is Lidocaine used?
Lidocaine has been used as an anesthetic for topical, dental and surgical use for many years. It is the least sensitizing and is considered the safest among the amide group of anesthetics available.
How many mls are required if a 2% lidocaine solution is used??
2% solution means 20mg/ml to get 100 mg would require 5 mls.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can I use Lidocaine patches on my back while pregnant?
Q: I’m almost 18 weeks pregnant and I’m having horrible back pain. I don’t necessarily think it’s a pregnancy related pain because I’ve suffered from back pain on and off for many years, but it’s so bad right now that I can hardly bend over. What’s worse is trying to actually get up once I do bend over.Anyway, I’ve used these Lidoderm patches in the past but need to know if they are safe to use while I’m pregnant. Any one know the answer?
A: Please call your doctor and ask them, they would want to know if you are considering using something like this and will guide you on if it’s appropriate given your specific condition. This is what your doctor gets paid to do. 🙂
Is xylocaine (lidocaine) banned by NSAC for boxers in Nevada?
Q: floyd has been requested not to use it when he fought Hatton back in 2007.back then it was revealed by keith keizer that it is banned in Nevada a week into the fight.http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/more_sport/article3019074.ecequote:>>“We’d all seen the stories about Mayweather’s hands and we had heard rumours that he uses lidocaine,” Williams said. “So we just wanted to make sure that they complied with the rules and that it would be tested for.”The request did not go down well with John Hornewer, Mayweather’s attorney. Williams said: “He responded by saying: ‘Well, what about grappling?’ I quite facetiously responded: ‘I didn’t think you could test for that.’” Kizer confirmed yesterday that lidocaine is banned for use by boxers within a week of a bout. “If lidocaine is injected,” he said, “the pain receptors in the boxer may not work and he may not know if he is hurt.” He also confirmed that lidocaine would be tested for after the bout, at the Quest Diagnostics laboratory in the city.Mayweather’s hand problems have been long documented but they resurfaced a fortnight ago in an edition of the 24/7 television documentary that showed the boxer having a wax paraffin treatment and quietly acknowledging the issue.>>xylocaine is lidocaine, a local anaesthetic injected to deaden pain receptors.boxers use xylocaine or lidocaine by injecting it on their hands so they can punch without feeling pain in their hands.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lidocainehttp://www.merck.com/mmpe/lexicomp/lidocaine.htmllidocaine is xylocaine (brand)
A: Wikipedia articles are all written by contributors.If there are wrong informations posted in there, it will take some time for someone to correct it.Anyway, whatever you call that drug is, painkiller whatever, IF YOU USE IT TO GAIN ADVANTAGE IN A BOUT, IT’S called CHEATING.Particularly IN BOXING, YOU WEAR GLOVES SO YOU WON’T HURT YOUR HANDS TOO MUCH.If you hurt your hands already and CAN’T CONTINUE NO MORE, TELL THE REFERREE TO STOP THE FIGHT then.Nuff said.
Floyd uses xylocaine, a drug banned in Nevada by NSAC- Floyd is a cheater- can you disprove this?
Q: floyd has been requested not to use it when he fought Hatton back in 2007.back then it was revealed by keith keizer that it is banned in Nevada a week into the fight.http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/more_sport/article3019074.ecequote:>>“We’d all seen the stories about Mayweather’s hands and we had heard rumours that he uses lidocaine,” Williams said. “So we just wanted to make sure that they complied with the rules and that it would be tested for.”The request did not go down well with John Hornewer, Mayweather’s attorney. Williams said: “He responded by saying: ‘Well, what about grappling?’ I quite facetiously responded: ‘I didn’t think you could test for that.’” Kizer confirmed yesterday that lidocaine is banned for use by boxers within a week of a bout. “If lidocaine is injected,” he said, “the pain receptors in the boxer may not work and he may not know if he is hurt.” He also confirmed that lidocaine would be tested for after the bout, at the Quest Diagnostics laboratory in the city.xylocaine is lidocaine, a local anaesthetic injected to deaden pain receptors.boxers use xylocaine or lidocaine by injecting it on their hands so they can punch without feeling pain in their hands.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LidocaineMayweather’s hand problems have been long documented but they resurfaced a fortnight ago in an edition of the 24/7 television documentary that showed the boxer having a wax paraffin treatment and quietly acknowledging the issue.>>floyd is a known user of xylocaine. as he admits it himself.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAIQBcpHpSsfloyd uses xylocaine, a banned substance by NSAC for fights in Nevada– THEREFORE, FLOYD IS A CHEATER. I DARE ANYONE TO DISPROVE THIS.
A: No wonder why he suspects everybody of using drugs. Thinkers, doers!
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