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What can make the flu worse

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No enough fluids, rest, drinking alcohol + smoking, can make the flu worse. Possible complications are Pneumonia, ear infections. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-make-the-flu-worse ]
More Answers to “What can make the flu worse
What can make the flu worse
No enough fluids, rest, drinking alcohol + smoking, can make the flu worse. Possible complications are Pneumonia, ear infections.
How can you make the flu worse?
When you take a shower dry your hair. Don’t leave it wet. Take hotter showers instead of cooler ones. If its cold put a heater in the room. Try not to lower your body temperature too much unless you have a fever. Get enough sleep at least 8…
What if I have a medical condition that might make the flu worse …?
If you have a medical condition that may make you more vulnerable to the effects of the flu virus, you may disclose that and request that special arrangements be made for you in the event of an outbreak. The university wants to protect the …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how can you make the flu worse?
Q: i don’t wanna make my flu worse i just want to know what to stay away from!!!! can you please hep me quick!!!please and thank you!!!
A: Careful about drinking orange juice as it’s high in acid. Orange juice is effective in PREVENTING illness. The saying ‘drown the flu’ rings true and honestly, water is the best thing for it! Rest and plenty of fluids, it’s really all you can do for the flu. People that don’t properly hydrate can end up in the hospital on an I.V. A fever is normal, but if it begins to rise too much then I’d suggest an Tylenol to bring it down. Try to keep it below 101 degrees.
Can ibuprofen make a flu fever worse/higher?
Q: Ok so I have been sick as a dog since Sunday. The flu has been going around like wildfire so I am assuming thats what I have. I have been taking ibuprofen for a fever reduction/pain reviler and this is the second time the following occurred. Feeling okish I take the ibuprofen and a half an hour later I feel like I got hit by a bus and my temp hits almost 102. Is this just the way the flu operates or is the ibuprofen to blame?Thanks for your advice
A: ibuprofen is supposed to be “the” thing to take if you’re experiencing flu symptoms.BUT… if it seems to bother you, perhaps you should switch to aceteminophen.Also, Ibuprofen is not something you should take if you have stomach/digestive problems (or chronic diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis, Ulcerative Proctitis, Crohn’s disease, IBS or IBD, etc.)Call your doctor, though – it may be more than the flu (an infection of some other sort).
What makes the swine flu worse than a regular flu strain?
Q: Can some one just give me the basic details as to what the big deal is? I mean if you get it chances are your most likely not gonna die I don’t see what the big deal is lol but again I don’t know what it does either
A: Swine flu and regular flu are caught the same way (coughing/sneezing on hands and touching others)Regular flu is, as you probably know, is coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and fever.Swine flu is all of that plus throwing up and diarrhea.That’s it from what I’ve heard.
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