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What could cause me to not be able to taste my food

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Sickness such as cold, flu and allergies can cause you not to be able to taste food or smell, the membranes of the nose areinflammed and this prevents proper contact with the nerves that transmit the scents you smell. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-cause-me-to-not-be-able-to-taste-my-food ]
More Answers to “What could cause me to not be able to taste my food
What could cause me to not be able to taste my food
Sickness such as cold, flu and allergies can cause you not to be able to taste food or smell, the membranes of the nose areinflammed and this prevents proper contact with the nerves that transmit the scents you smell. ChaCha!
Can Unisom Cause You To Not Be Able To Taste Food?
There are so many different side effects, even to over the counter medication. If you find that there is a connection, such as, each time you take it, you loose sense of taste, this can be one of the less common side effects that are not re…

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A: You apparently eat to live as opposed to live to eat. Smell is a very large part of taste. Now that you can’t smell it has taken the “fun” out of it so you lose the urge to eat. Yes, just having a cold and bronchitis will cause you to lose your appetite as well. Just make sure you drink plenty of water and take the medication your doctor prescribed for you. I know that sounds obvious but you’d be surprised at how many people stop taking antibiotics and such as soon as they feel better.Make sure you get plenty of rest. You don’t have to cook or do the dishes. Milk it for all it’s worth!God bless.
Having appetite problems, loss of taste – help?
Q: I’m a 14 yr old girl, n I’ve always been naturally skinny. I’ve always eaten unhealthy food as well as healthy food, but my stomach capacity was always small so I never gained weight. Even if I wanted to eat masses of pizza, after two slices my body would feel so full I wouldnt be able to eat anymore. This stopped me ever from overeating.I used to hav cravings for crisps, but never for chocolate, cakes n pastries, cuz I found them too sweet. My taste was sensitive, so I didnt eat creamy stuff, much sweet things, or strong tasting food.Now I never get the full feeling I’m suppsed to get – even if my stomach feels “satisfied”, i will still have an appetite n easily overeat. This caused me to gain weight. Although I found them sickening before, I now crave starchy carby foods like cakes & chocolates. My friend suggested I may have insulin resistance, but I’m not sure.The other day, I went to a sweetshop n bought some types of candy i’ve always loved. But I found that I couldn’t taste anything!!!!! Previously I used to be able to taste them so well, but now it was too bland!! I was thinking that my loss of taste could also be the reason why I need strong tastes like chocolate, instead of finding them sickening.Do u know what could be wrong with me??like…. i used to hate nutella, as it was to sweet. i would only spread a tiny amount of jam or nutella or watever on my toast. now i need a very thick layer.i hate this. plz help me.
A: You said you are 14. First, at that age your body is still going through a lot changes. Your hormones are all out of whack, including the one that tell your brain you’re full. Also have you been involved in more sports or physical activity lately. This will also cause you to get that hungry feeling. Third, make sure you are hydrated. To often people mistake hunger pains for your body telling you, you are dehydrated. Either way I don’t think you have a lot to worry about. I know it is tough, but just fight those urges the best you can. Sorry kiddo, that just a part of growing up. Being a girl is tough.
What could be the cause of the swelling under my tongue?
Q: Hello there,For a good few months now I’ve gotten this swelling under my tongue. As far as I can tell it’s caused by certain foods. The first time I got it was from eating some mixed nut thing. Now, I know I’m not allergic to nuts as I eat them all the time, but certain spicy foods certainly seems to kick it off, but I never had this problem before.The swelling is on the right hand side of the mouth, under the tongue. I can reach it with my tongue and I often end up bursting it from tonguing it too much. It’s not painful at all. Once burst a salty tasting substance is released and that’s all. Still no pain.My only thought is it maybe a blocked saliva gland, it’s certainly in the right place to be. But I wanted to make double sure that it wasn’t anything overly serious. I rarely ever see my GP because they’re pretty dire around here and it can take WEEKS to be able to see one.Thank you in advance,J.
A: Hi J! You certainly may be right about it being a a blocked saliva gland. However, I would have this checked for several reasons. Since it has happen more than once,and with certain foods, it should be checked. However, you could try this in the mean time. After you eat certain foods that have caused this in the past, rinse well with warm, very salty water 1-2 times before bed. I know this is a pain, but the other is more so. Let me know if this seems to solve the problem. Good luck Marie~
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