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What has happened recently with the H1n1 vaccines

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In clinical trials, 10,000 to 15,000 children and adults have received various manufacturers’ brands of H1N1 swine flu vaccine. Nothing serious happened to any of them. That’s still not proof that no harm will come from the vaccine. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-has-happened-recently-with-the-h1n1-vaccines ]
More Answers to “What has happened recently with the H1n1 vaccines
What has happened recently with the H1n1 vaccines
In clinical trials, 10,000 to 15,000 children and adults have received various manufacturers’ brands of H1N1 swine flu vaccine. Nothing serious happened to any of them. That’s still not proof that no harm will come from the vaccine.

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After h1n1 vaccine? help n advice needed?
Q: Ok great so Im home and I have really difficult time with breathing and I do not have asthma I use to 3 years ago and got checked up on it ..no more asthma,, Friday I was throwing up a lot and were feeling weak I got the shot wed. and since the next day had problems breathing..Monday I was throwing up and when i got up I felt extremely weak and fell…Today I had a fever 101.9 and feel really weak and have a really bad headache. I had a blood test don’t which came back that I have some sort of Virus but they don’t know what virus. My mom is making me go to school saying the DCF will take me away for not going blah blah blah…My OGYN told me to see my primary physician ASAP and I don’t know the number or anything and my moms supposed to call but all the sudden she got all pissed that I didn’t go to school so shes not making a appt. Im involved in healthy families program the lady from there is concerned and wants to call my doctor for a note for school and talk to the nurse in case my mom makes me go to see me in the a.m….Ok now I asked my doctor before I got the shot are there any side effects. She said no and she gave it to me the same day. What should I do in this situation Im also 23 weeks pregnant.*This happened to me often recently I feel like I faint with my eyes open.. I cannot feel anything and feel my blood going thought me too fast and I don’t react to nothing no emotions or anything… I just feel numb and that happened once when I was watching TV and the bright light somehow scared the crap out of me it was weird*my doctor is 2 hours from here my mom got my mass health card and info so what you want me to walk to a place I dont even know the way to? Of course Ill see the nurseSorry but Im so pissed and emotional right now she wants to kick me out for missing school while having fever..The wed when i was vaccinated was before the symptomsHeres an update I just fell again and Im really weak i can barely feel my right leg i asked her to help me but shes like youll be ok I said just call the doctor youre not a doctor youre not always right she said yes i am
A: You need to stop playing stupid games with your mother and see a doctor. You are at risk for complications from swine flu, and you may be having issues with your pregnancy. Go and see the school nurse if you cannot figure out how to be seen by a doctor.
H1N1 vaccine side affects?
Q: I have recently noticed within the last month that i have loss a tremendous amount of hair, I am only twenty years old and am losing my hair at the front right part of my forehead and at the back top right side of my head. I couldn’t figure out what this was caused by. My diet hasn’t changed with in the last year and honestly my stress level has actually gotten better. But all the sudden my hair is thinning dramatically. I started thinking and i remembered that i had the H1N1 mist vaccine on the 6th of Dec. and about 1 week or so later… my sister pointed out thin parts in my hair… could this be a side affect of it. is it reversible? I’ve been taking vitamin supplements to hopefully slow anything that is happening…I’m not a veganI’m 5′ 6″ and weigh 125 pds, i’m pretty good on weight
A: I doubt the vaccine has anything to do with it. Are you by chance a vegan? If you don’t eat enough protein, you can have hair loss as a vegan. If it keeps up, see your Dr.
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