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What is abnormal heart beat called

Health related question in topics Heart .We found some answers as below for this question “What is abnormal heart beat called”,you can compare them.

A:An irregular heartbeat is an arrhythmia (also called dysrhythmia). Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-abnormal-heart-beat-called ]
More Answers to “What is abnormal heart beat called
What is abnormal heart beat called
An irregular heartbeat is an arrhythmia (also called dysrhythmia). Thanks for asking ChaCha!
Is a abnormal heart beat considered a disease or even a illness??
I think I know what you’re answering and the answer is yes. It’s not a “disease” so much but a condition. It’s generally known as a heart arrhythmia. Depending on the condition, you can have ventricular tachycardia, supraventricul…
Is 72 heart beats per minute abnormal for an adult?
No. The normal resting heart rate for an adult is 60-100 beats per minute.

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Q: My brother is 18 years old. He’s 260lbs. but doesn’t look it. We took his heart rate and it says 160 beats a minute. I called a doctor and he said to bring him in but my parents think it’s nothing to worry about? Does anyone know why it would go so high?
A: ITs hard to say why its so highdrugs, heart damage etcyeah thats high
How common is it to have heart disease at 31?
Q: I had to go to the hospital because of high blood pressure. My body doesn’t handle stress well at all. I had this problem back 8 years ago and was told my arteries were fine but my blood pressure was up due to stress and it was affecting my heart wall and gave me an abnormal heart beat. This last time I felt like I was going ot pass out so I was taken to the ER. Was given a EKG and had abnormal reading. They admitted me and took tests thinking I was having a heart attack. They took blood test and x rays and everything checked out okay. The BP reading when I went in was 210 over 120 but after given stress medication called Ativan it went down to 135 over 85. I asked if Stress can make my blood pressure bnoom like that and they said yes. Given another EKG they said it was alot better but still abnormal some and have to go back for further testing. I used to smoke and I’m 5’10 and have weighed in between 175 and 190 over the past 8 years. I know I need ot get more exercise than what I do because I work a desk job 12 hours a day but the stress is the main reason my blood pressure shoots up. When I wake up its around 140/90 everytime but by midday it’s always 150/100 or higher.
A: Unfortunately, heart disease is becoming more prevalent among our younger population. It’s no longer considered and “old folks” disease. There are many risk factors for this increase with CAD for the 30-50 yr. old population. Stress is a factor along with diet, exercise, genetic factors etc,,, In your case, if you don’t get control of that blood pressure you may very well end up with CAD which can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney problems, congestive heart failure and much more. You need to address with your doctor controlling your hypertension and find out if there is an underlying cause for you high blood pressure and get the proper treatment.
HEART PALPITATIONS: Scared Out of My Mind?
Q: I have two Thyroid cysts. One is fairly large, while the other is very small. I have had these cysts for years and years. For the past few months, I have been noticing that my heart rate is a little bit faster than normal and also, I have been having some-what frequent heart palpitations – They happen almost every day. Anyway, I worry and I worry a lot. I heard about this rare disease called “Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome.” I am scared that I may have it. Do you think that my Thyroid cysts may have anything to do with my abnormal heart beat? Also, I have had some blood tests done for my Thyroid and what-not… they all came out normal. O_oI would love your advise.I am 19 year old.
A: My advice would be to find a good doctor and trust him or her. Sure, there may be a snowball’s chance in a warm place that you have a certain syndrome and you managed to diagnose yourself with it before a doctor did but more likely the case is that you’re turning yourself into a hypochondriac. I understand the urge to try to dig into things deeper when you already have serious, pre-existing conditions. I’ve been there. But you already have yourself scared out of your mind. You’re stressing yourself out. STRESS is not good for you. At all. You can stress out a lab rat and it will die sooner. You don’t want to add stress to your life. Unless you’re going to study medicine, stop trying to study medicine. Doctors get paid big bucks for a reason. They know A LOT.
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