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What is wrong with me if my heart beats really fast when I stand or sit

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A:Arrhythmias are pattern and/or speed changes from the normal heart rhythm caused by diseases of the heart muscle, valves or MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-wrong-with-me-if-my-heart-beats-really-fast-when-i-stand-or-sit ]
More Answers to “What is wrong with me if my heart beats really fast when I stand or sit
What is wrong with me if my heart beats really fast when I stand …?
Arrhythmias are pattern and/or speed changes from the normal heart rhythm caused by diseases of the heart muscle, valves or MORE?

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Do I have Social Anxiety Disorder?
Q: When I go to parties or around a group of friends I am always afraid to talk to people. I have always been quiet and shy. When people talk to me I get really nervous and my voice kind of breaks. I end up sounding scared and the people generally get kind of weirded out by me. When I go to a party or something I get really anxious when I see the house and start getting nervous. If there is a situation like I have to knock on the door I start thinking, “maybe I should just go home”. When I am around my friends I do not say anything, I am afraid to go into a room with them because I feel like they don’t want me there; even though they say they want me to hang out more. I keep saying “my friends” they are more like my brother’s friends which I share because I can’t make friends on my own. When I’m at a party with a lot of people (if I have the courage to go around a lot of people) or something I always skulk around in the background by myself or just sit and stare and pretend like I’m not there. I generally end up leaving after only about an hour of being there, depending on the number of people. I freeze when people talk to me, I can’t ever come up with anything to say. When I am left alone with someone, even a friend, my heart beats really fast and I get super scared and nervous. I never have panic attacks or anything outrageous like that. After a party or a “get together”, I always apologize to my brother and my friends for being so weird and never talking. Actually my brother is the only person I can totally be comfortable around, well sometimes. He always asks me “what is wrong, why do I seem so nervous, why did I just stand there the whole time like a statue”. When I drink beer or something I get a little better, but I guess I’m just drunk.At work I am fine to deal with customers (I’m a cashier) as long as it is not conversation. It is hard to talk to coworkers except when it is just a few sentences. When I go to school I get nervous the first day after a long break. I feel like everyone is studying me and I get nervous when I am standing out in the hall waiting for the teacher. I’ve learned to ignore everyone when I do presentations, just so I won’t screw up my grade, but it is a complete nightmare when it gets to be my turn. I get scared when I text my friends because I feel that I’m bothering them or that they don’t want to hear from me. It has gotten to the point where I just don’t hardly go out anymore, and it has made me really depressed. I feel like I can’t live a normal life like this, like what am I going to do when I have to interview for a job. I feel like it would be better if I just killed myself, then I would not have to deal with this and I won’t screw up my adult life. Also I don’t really like to be touched. I can’t make eye contact easily. I have trouble saying “hello” and “goodbye”. When I do say speak to my friends I feel like what I said was “stupid” or that I was interrupting someone. That is not all but I think this might be too long.I am 19 and I am male. Please respond.Also I used to see a psychologist when I was about 13 or 14. I would be willing to talk to one now, but I cannot afford the outrageous prices.
A: OMG! I’m exactly like you! Only I’m 16 and I don’t go to parties. I don’t like to be touched by other people. Like when someone touches me I freak out! When I’m in a room full of people I always think somebody’s talking about me or staring me down. Just like you are with your friends, when I’m around mine, I always feel like I’m annoying them. A lot of times, I’m alone. And it’s a sad feeling. I don’t go to many places with my friends because I always feel like I’m inviting myself everywhere, when I’ve never done anything outside of school with them. Although, I don’t have a very big group of friends. They’re all scattered. I took Mental Health as one of my extracurricular activities last year and I’ve studied Social Anxiety Disorder. I learned a lot in that class. You have most of the symptoms. One of them was isolating yourself from different activities. Which is what I do as well. If you need any help, you can talk to me, if you want. I’d really like to talk to somebody close to my age. Although we’re 3 years apart, we both are still teenagers! :PMy email is [email protected]. My IM should be available. I think all you have to do is click on my profile. It would be really nice to hear from you! 🙂
My heart rate is wayy too fast for my body PLZ answer if you’re a doctor or someone with experience!?
Q: OK so im a 15 year old girl, and really skinny. I have low blood pressure all the time, but thats just bc of my weight. But recentley it hasnt been bothering m elately, excpet for my hands always tingling. Anyways, i’ve noticed alot for a while now that my heart rate is very fast for my body. Instead of beating it races. In biology today everyone did a chart that stated their pulse rate. We had to count how much times our heart beated for 15 seconds, then take that number and multiply it by 4. Ecveryone in the class was getting numbers through the 50’2 and 40’s, which i got 108, 120, and 116! It just didnt seem right. i counted, and my heart beated 26 seconds in 15 seconds. sometimes 27 times. heres what my chart was like. Sitting: standing: no breath: 104 no breath: 100 no breath: 104 120 standing: 120 standing: 116116sitting:108sitting:116 sorry its all screwed up its hard on the computer. WEE did trials of three for each catagory standing, sitting, and holding your breath. Also, one night at my friends iremeebr lying in bed and half way alseep when my mind kindof went on lock and i couldnt really move, and i heard a loud dinging, and i felt my heart beep racing. PLZ help if you know any things that could be wrong because i want to live a very long happy healthy life thank you! :p
A: first you need to see a doctorit could be low blood pressure .low on vitamins,thyroid many things could cause thishowever until you see a doctorno caffeine,drink plenty of water,and have a ensure ,boost or carnation drink everydayit is not very much over 100 so dont worry much
Is it possible that I have anxiety?
Q: ok well i dont know where to start but ever since freshman year english class ive been getting really nervous about speeches and presentation. It all started last year when my english teacher used to assign as speeches to do for class. Ive always been nervous for presenations since i was little cause ive always been kinda shy I was slowly getting over it but ever since that year it got worse. ok, so we would always have speeches and whenever it was my turn my heart would start beating really fast and everyone could tell i was nervous.i used to lose my breath quickly and my hands would start to shake. everytime i gave speeches my english teacher would end up asking me questions on my topic. I would give her the answer and then she would keep asking me “how?” or “why?” to every answer when i knew i gave the right answer. also, when their are people looking at me and im standing in front of the class i cant concentrate well. nobody ever liked my english teacher, not even the other teachers. she was always kinda depressed and didnt know how to teach right. she even ended up pulling my friend aside at the end of the semester and asking her how she could improve on teaching. Everytime i came in for help she never explained anything to me well and kept telling me that i was frustrating her. I even remember my friend (who later got switched) and I copied each others essay. She got an A+ and I got a C. i was like wth. and ever since last year Ive been really scared of doing speeches and scared of looking stupid in front of everyone else. Like this year in English I have a different teacher and shes kinda tough on us. Everyday since the first day of school, Ive been scared everytime I go to that class. I cant help it at all. My stomach starts feeling wierd- like its about to rip or something and my heart starts beating really fast and my breathing gets heavy. Its been happening every single day since the first day of school and im so tired of feeling like that but i dont know how to stop it. I get so frustrated with myself and feel like i need sit down somewhere and scream and cry. and I do end up getting mad at myself and crying for feeling like this when nobody else does and feel like such a psycho. I cant even eat lunch at school. Even when the teacher calls on me for an answer i always get nervous and everyone can tell too. Im always scared of giving the wrong answer and looking stupid. and i always end of blaming my stupid freshman english teacher for ruining everything for me. and for presentations, im really bad at explaining things. I always feel like everyone else will do better than me and i’ll look stupid. plus, sometimes I feel that if i dont freak out, then i will mess up or something. I mean if i have to read something on the board to the class or present with a partner im fine but if im all alone i freak out like crazy. I really dont know what to do to help myself. My friend just tells me to relax and that im over reacting but i cant. I can just think of the word nervous and start getting nervous. I really want to help myself but i dont know how. any suggestions?thanksThanks a lot guys but I forgot to mention that everyone in class seems so confident and that makes me feel worse㋖Laura Rockstar㋖: thank you so much and ya i think i do have it. They dont really come from out of nowhere but if you think of being nervous and i get nervous. does that make sense
A: I have suffered from anxiety for four years and when reading about your experience at first I believed it was only situational anxiety because of your experience with your english teacher. However, I read your experience over again and had a flashback to when I had problems with anxiety myself. There were some key things you said that stood out such as you feel like a psycho or crazy, people notice it you be nervous, needing a partner to do present in front of the class but when your alone you freak out, and getting nervous just thinking about getting nervous. These were all the thoughts that ran through my head for years and is also the thought pattern of someone who has an anxiety disorder. I am not a psychologist so you will need to be diagnosed by one to see if you have it. Like you I believed my anxiety was situational or it was caused by a major event in my life however, I finally had to say it’s anxiety not because of what happened to me. It was hard because I thought if I just deal with that thing from the past or that person I would be cured. And I was not. When I finally saw what I was dealing with I got better. Here are some steps to help you out:1. Tell your parents or guardian. It is important to tell your parents or guardian because telling your friends is not enough. Your friends are there to listen but won’t be able to relate to what your going to or will think your overreacting. Telling your parents makes anxiety loses some of it’s power even if it’s just a little bit. When you you keep it to your self it builds up even more. And if you tell someone they can help you think clearly through the anxiety thoughts. The anxiety thoughts can make what you see way bigger than it that’s why you need someone to help you see clearly.2. Getting properly diagnosed. I know this step is a hard step. As people we don’t like to think there is something wrong with us. My response to that is how are you going to get help if you don’t say speak up. Once you get treated they can tell you what’s going on whether or not you need medication and counseling.3. Still live your life. My anxiety has gotten better however, there was a time where I could not go outside without a friend because I was afraid i would have a panic attack. If I was with someone everything was cool but when I was by myself I freaked out bad. If you feel this way then bring a friend with you.4. Join a support group. On face surface your experience sounds like it nothing really but stage freight in front of your peers and teacher. But reading between the lines it sounds like your not just feeling this way when your at school your starting to feel this way all the time. Your just trying to diagnose when you started to feel anxiety and see if you could fix that problem then it will be over. No it won’t be be because this doesn’t sound like an external problem it’s internal. You need to join others who are going through this expierence and learn that people who have anxiety aren’t freaks and you feeling this way is not wierd or strange.5. Stop making excuses for what’s going on. I spent 2 years saying it was because of this or that when really I just had anxiety. Don’t get me wrong there are reasons why people get anxiety maybe because of there childhood or whatever. Whatever the reason is has came back up in the form of an anxiety disorder. work through the anxiety step by step. thinking that if I just deal with this problem with anxiety with my teacher and peers it will go away. I guarantee you it will not because your problem sounds internal not external.
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