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What would cause someone to randomly pass out

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A:Passing out is called syncope. Common causes are heart arrhythmias, low blood pressure, low oxygenation, or anxiety. ChaCha soon [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-cause-someone-to-randomly-pass-out ]
More Answers to “What would cause someone to randomly pass out
What would cause someone to randomly pass out
Passing out is called syncope. Common causes are heart arrhythmias, low blood pressure , low oxygenation, or anxiety. ChaCha soon
What would cause someone to randomly get dizzy and pass out??
It sounds to me like low blood sugar. Is he diabetic? if your not sure, then I would have him tested for it. The symptoms you said, suggest diabetic shock. Even if he seems ok now, he might not be… Im sorry to say that, but I dont want…

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What would cause someone to randomly get dizzy and pass out?
Q: So the other day my boyfriend and I went out with a bunch of friends. He was completely fine all night then out of no where he gets up to go to the bathroom, stops and is disorientated and dizzy, then he passes out. ( He had like a beer or two) He came back to but was still disoriented and passed out again a minute or two later. He was pale white and sweating buckets out of no where. We took him outside into the cold air and then ten minutes later he was fine. That was about two weeks ago……We just came home from the movies because he turned pale white and was feeling very nauseous and dizzy . As soon as we brought him outside into the cold air and again he instantly felt better. He says it gets hard to move because it feels like all of his muscles give out. I was wondering if someone might know what would cause this???BTW he is going to the doctors tomorrow.Thanks.
A: It sounds to me like low blood sugar. Is he diabetic? if your not sure, then I would have him tested for it. The symptoms you said, suggest diabetic shock. Even if he seems ok now, he might not be… Im sorry to say that, but I dont want anything worse to happen such as a diabetic coma… some symptoms to look for associated with diabetes: Type 1:Frequent urinationUnusual thirstExtreme hungerUnusual weight lossExtreme fatigue and Irritability Type 2:Any of the type 1 symptomsFrequent infectionsBlurred visionCuts/bruises that are slow to healTingling/numbness in the hands/feetRecurring skin, gum, or bladder infections**also, many individuals with type two, can show none of the type 1 symptomsHope I helped!!
PLEASE HELP? Blacking out.. What really causes this?
Q: So im not anemic, i have a healthy blood pressure, i eat healthy.. enough, I drink plenty of water but not 8 glasses a day and all the problems that cause people to black out/pass out I dont have.. Can you please give me ALL the reasons that would cause someone to black out or pass out spontaneously? Read further for more detail if you have time:Okay so for about 3 years now Ive been having a problem with blacking out randomly, most the time when im standing or walking. Also the symptoms i get before and during the blackout are cold sweat, unable to think or respond properly, heart pounding, shaking and I guess out of it…? My fiance said i turn really pale and that i look like im drugged because I cant even hold my head up and my eyes start spazzing out. But what really scared me today is that it happened WHILE I WAS SITTING DOWN i was freaking out because normally when this happens I sit down and take a break or I pass out. But since i was already sitting down I had no idea what to do..Sorry its so long and confusing but thanks for your help in advance!Also im 29 weeks
A: Have you heard of Menieres disease?Sufferers black out for no reason and there are other symptoms, like hearing loss, tinitus.Next time you see your doctor, talk to him or her about this.I would be worried if you blacked out while sitting down too.Please get tested for yourself and the baby.Best of luck to you.
YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS about the new health care bill. Would you let this bill pass knowing all this below?
Q: Did you know that when they state , “nothing will change in your current plan” they aren’t telling the truth?!!! If you read the bill, it states that you will have to now get permission to see a specialist, everything, even blood work, will have to be either permitted or denied by “government” overseers. This is not going forward, it’s going backwards. Changes definitely need to be made to help the uninsured and to prevent families from going bankrupt from chronic illnesses, but there are better ways of doing this without changing your current plans. (In some states, they are trying a system where the big healthcare companies put money in a pool to help these needy cases that aren’t covered by medicaid or private insurers, something along this line is the way to go!) Did you know that the president’s advisor to this bill, Dr. “Emanuel” actually believes that people are “disposable” based on their “value” and “productivity” in society. If this bill passes, it talks about how people with dementia shouldn’t get the same healthcare and neither should infants, since are society is “not invested as much in them”. He believes the hypocratic oath that doctor’s take is wrong since it makes them provide for the best for the patient standing in front of them, where he states the doctor’s should instead think, well if my patient has a chronic disesase, like a child with cerebal palsy, the money could be better spent on a different patient down the hall who isn’t going to die sooner. This goes against everything doctor’s are supposed to stand up for. They are supposed to give you the best care they know how if you are their patient, not base decisions on if you are “DISPOSABLE!” Of course he doesn’t put this directly stated in the bill like this but read about his past and his past statements if you don’t believe this. It is so sad, it reminds me of how Hitler operated and thought. Could you imagine if this bill passes and your mother who has alzheimer’s is denied any healthcare and just lays there and dies some painful death since the new healthcare bill doesn’t want to “waste” money on her. It is a terrible bill for the elderly and infants and the AARP should be ashamed of themselves in supporting it. If you are in the AARP you need to write them a letter and tell them to change their views on this bill or an e-mail or discontinue your membership. People who have children of special needs think this bill will help them and actually it will hurt them, since their child will be considered one of the “disposable” ones. That is a sick view of humanity. This is the biggest mess to hit our healthcare system. There are better ways to include people in the systems rather than this bill. IAND if you are rich and think, well I will just buy my own plan and treatments on the side. Guess what? You CAN”T. If you try to, the bill states that the IRS will charge you what the normal family pays for insurance each year, like 7,000 to 13,000 dollars and then they will randomly FORCE you into anyone of their “qualified” plans. AND If you think “oh Canada has a similar plan and it works for them.” Did you know that my sister-in-law had a brain tumor and when she found out she corresponded with someone with the same condition in Canada and guess who had better care? My sister-in-law had it removed the next day because she was in the U.S., the woman in Canada couldn’t get hers removed for a year until after it “caused a problem” and had to wait until the tumor wrapped around her ear drums and caused her to go deaf in one ear first! iIs this the “new” system you want in the U.S., to wait till a disease harms you permanently BEFORE they treat you!?!Obviously some of you will write, well if your sister-in-law was an American with no healthcare and not poor enough to get Medicaid she would have died from it and that is worse than going deaf! And I AGREE with you, that is why I am not at all telling you that there needs to be no change in our system at all. I’m not stating that at all, I’m just letting you know that this bill is not the answer! And if you think America doesn’t have the best doctors, etc. and did you know that this week the World Health Care Organization just stated that if you get cancer, your best chances for diagnosis, cure, and living life after cancer again are if you are in the U.S.! I want healthcare reform for those who need it, but don’t mess up the parts of the system that are already working for the majority of Americans. E-mail your senator on this one, PLEASE, it’s important to our elderly, our infants, and all of us! Thanks for listening!First citation for you and I will work on getting more: watch the video from this site, of course strangely enough it has now been REMOVED from you-tube! But you can still see it at this site and do more research about the papers Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel wrote regarding a famous doctor(nazi) as well. Go to http://noworldsystem.com/category/ezekiel-emanuel/ and view the youtube clip from there! The doctor surprisingly leaves the meeting when the questioning about his “hitler”like policies are brought up!TRO – good job!atom- I agree we need to change the system, but do you really think it should be ANY change, not a thought out one that denies more people proper care and is a step backwards! That is what is wrong with some of Obama’s supporters too, they think he is God and any plan he wants we should race through congress and get approved before looking at the details and DISCUSSING them. That’s exactly what happened with the Tarp funds and why it was such a mess. No thought, just action.More information how this bill is going to be rammed through without discussion and about Dr. Ezekiel and Canada’s death rates from cancer as opposed to ours, and who to call to stop the bill etc. at http://www.Igstarr.blogspot.comClick on Igstarr info above, and if you click the first paragraph that is underlined in blue, it will take you to an article that will give you the CITATIONS for most of my arguments along with PAGE NUMBERS FROM THE HOUSE AND SENATE BILLS! For example House bill page 16-17 talks about how if you are in a plan and your have a co-payment change they can put you into a different “qualified” plan then. House bill page 425-430 talks about how all he elderly need to get counseling that will discuss their end of life and in the meeting they will be told about “without nutrition and hydration” etc. Page 167-168 talks about how the rich people who are trying to buy better healthcare and the IRS find out will get fined and forced into a random plan they pick for you. It’s all in the bill, that’s as much as I can cite right now though. Good luck if you don’t veto this thing!
A: I am definitely agin it
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