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Why do i sometimes have diarrhea

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do i sometimes have diarrhea”,you can compare them.

You may have a stomach virus or a flu. Diarrhea is a common symptom when you are sick. Thank you for using chacha my good friend. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-sometimes-have-diarrhea ]
More Answers to “Why do i sometimes have diarrhea
Why Do You Sometimes Have Diarrhea?
・ Some people are unable to digest certain foods such as artificial sweeteners and lactose (the sugar found … ・ Stress ・ Medications (especially antibiotics) ・ Illness ・ Travelling to foreign countries (“traveler’s diarrhea”) Here a…
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Cabbage and other brassicas (broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc.) can cause flatulence, especially when eaten raw. Try steaming the cabbage before you juice it and that might help a little. But take use Bean-o if you’re a vegetarian. It contai…

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Why does diarrhea feel so good sometimes?
Q: Seriously, sometimes when i get it i have like stomach cramps but, like right now i have diarrhea and it feels good when i go :). It happened after i started to eat in smaller portions and healthier meals too, maybe my body is adjusting to the changes?
A: Because your butt likes action! It is bored and diarrhea keeps it entertained.
Why sometimes when you make a bowel movement (solid stool,) it burns as its coming out of your rectum?
Q: I know this probably seems an odd and grotesque question for me to be asking but I have recently become interested in the pH levels of certain bodily fluids.I read on Wikipedia that pH levels that are less than 7 are considered acidic (harmful) and those below 7 are considered “basic.”I recently found out thanks to someone answering my question, that liquid stool diarrhea) burns the skin because it has a pH level lower than 7.But, some solid stools also burn when coming out of the rectum. I know from personal experience & its quite painful!!So. do certain solid stools have a lower pH & that’s why they burn when coming out of the rectum??If so, why would they have a lower pH??Thanks to anyone who posts any useful answers.
A: Interesting. Have you considered the possibility of having developed hemorrhoids (piles)? That would cause burning and itching in the rectum area.The itching and burning is usually due the inflammation of the veins in the anus. As the veins dilate and get larger, the skin stretches and cracks. This is further irritated by the presence of feces in the bowel. You may also notice blood when you have a bowel movement. This is due to the skin cracking and the veins leaking or tearing due to inflammation & pressure.If you need to read more about hemorrhoids then have a look at the website below.
Why do I wake up with stomach pains and diarrhea every morning?
Q: I used to be able to sleep in pretty much until whatever time. Now every morning I’m up by 9am with stomach pains and diarrhea. Sometimes I have diarrhea 2-3 times every morning, does anyone know why this would happen?
A: HAve you changed your diet in some way? Are you consuming a lot of artificial sweetener, like in diet soda or tea? Are you eating enough fiber? Are you drinking a lot of alcohol?If none of these seems to be the trouble, you should probably see your doctor to rule out IBS or Crohn’s disease.
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