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Why does everyone get colds when its cold out

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More people get colds and the flu in the winter because we’re inside more, and with other people who have colds and the flu. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-everyone-get-colds-when-its-cold-out ]
More Answers to “Why does everyone get colds when its cold out
Is it because i’m really skinny that i seem to get way colder tha…?
Well certainly if you are excessively THIN your body lacks the proper INSULATION that a normal amount of FAT gives you to retain temperature. I used to be hot all the time until I lost 120 lbs after weight loss surgery and even now, even th…

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Is it bad for a sore throat to eat cold things like ice cream?
Q: My mom always says not to have anything cold when you have a sore throat. She even say its bad to have cold water. Pretty much everyone else I know says its good to eat cold things for a sore throat. Is it bad for your throat to have cold things when it hurts? If its is bad then why do you get ice cream after you get your tonsils taken out??Thanks =)
A: what ever makes your throat feel better. cool stuff will make the swelling go down. warm liquids are good too. eat soft food. gargle salt water that will help A LOT.
Why is he coughing all the time?
Q: My older brother is 22 years old and coughs ALL THE TIME!!! Everyone thinks its a cold and that he’s just sick…but he has been coughing like this since he graduated in 2005 and it has gotten worse! My mother hasn’t noticed it like I have and all she does is give him cough medicine. He hasnt seen a doctor yet because of money, but if anyone knows if this could be a sign of something I would appreciate it if I had at least some idea of what’s wrong with him.I know that he was supposed to have his tonsils taken out when he was younger but it never happened. COuld that be an issue? He doesn’t get sick often and doesn’t have any health conditions whatsoever. Please some one help???
A: If your brother doesn’t seem sick other than the cough, he could have what’s called cough variant asthma. It’s a type of asthma that doesn’t present itself in wheezing like regular asthma, but instead the main symptoms is a dry, non-productive, nagging cough. Cough medicine isn’t going to help at all, because cough variant asthma is caused by bronchiospasms (spasms in the bronchial tubes in the lungs) like regular asthma, and cough medicine doesn’t address that. Without seeing a doctor (which he really needs to do, but I understand if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it) he could try identifying the source of his asthma and eliminating it. For example, if his asthmatic symptoms are caused by allergies, he can try taking an over the counter antihistamine like Claritin or Zyrtec and see if that helps.If the antihistamine doesn’t help, he really should see some kind of health care professional, because asthma can be serious and become life-threatening if not treated. Is there a low-cost clinic he can be seen at? Or a community center that does health care screenings? The sooner he gets the cough looked at the better, so look into low-cost options in your area for him.Good luck!
Q: ok so i like this girl kindaaaa well its kinda lik i denie it but i really do like her. i think she used to like me but not anymore she kinda implied to me that she didnt. anyway, i disided to be her friend and forget about anything more then that. so we where freinds for a while and it was fine but then she just did some things and was a real ***** to me when i was there for her. so i diseided fine if your gonna be like that im not even gonna talk to you and gonna completely ignore you. so anyway, i stoped texting her, iming her, and cut off all contact with her. we where also at a party, and i made a point of ignoring her and even exagerated my goodbyes to everyone but her. then i saw her looking at me and she tried to say something to me but i completely ignored her and walked away.anyway today i saw her again, and i was walking behind her and she turned around and stared right at me like wanting to talk to me but i just walked right passed her and didnt even look at her. we then where walking through a door at the same time just by chance and she tried to hold the door open for me but i ignored it and wouldnt walk through.afterwards, this all happened at church btw, but after it was over my friends sister was with me like standing right next to me and the girl came to my friends sister and really exxagerated a hello. she actually said hello like 3 seperate times like drawing it out. my friends sister told me later her exact words where “yeah i dont know why she kept coming up to me, its not like where friends. she was just doing that too get your attention” then on a seprate occasion she took my phone and took pics of herself with it. just funny ones of her.ok i dont get it. ive made it clear im giving her the cold shoulder. i mean the only way i could be more clear would be to say f… you *****! so why suddenly now when i diside im done with her does she suddenly throw herself out there and beg for my attention??? what do you think. please help. is playing angry or hard to get working? why now does she crawl for my attention? is there a chance she could be into me?also what the hell should i do now? should i… forgive her and go back to being her friend?….forgive her and tell her i like her and put it all on the line and see what happens?….. continue giving her the cold shoulder for the rest of my natural life never forgiving her and not talking to her anymore?….. or????(you answer here)i mean, my attitude towrds her has can be summed up by the words “JUST DONT GIVE A @#%^” like i dont care what she does or thinks and i have no time for her, so why is she trying to get my attention? id like girls opinions cause it seems like you would know what she is doing or trying to do better,
A: First I would like to apologize for a late answer. Regarding your question, you need to be professional and mature when you are around her. Do not just ignore her completely, that will make you look bad. But, just don’t make it a point to go talk to her or be around her. When the two of you were at church, she was acting immature there. I hope this helped.
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