A lump on my left testicle. . what could this be? Its very painful?

Q:A lump on my left testicle. . what could this be? Its very painful?
More Answers to “A lump on my left testicle. . what could this be? Its very painful?
It could be anything, you need to see a doctor and have it check asap
lumps can be cancer signs..go see a doctor immediatley
see a doctor. sounds serious
I would get it checked ASAP. Lumps should not be ignored.b
one of my mates had an ingrown hair wich caused lump on teste so like everyone else has said go to the doc.
Hello: This answer is in reference to your question about a painful testicular lump. Without knowing more details about it I can only give you a differential diagnosis of what it could be. Because it is painful, it tells me there is inflammation. It could be “epididymitis” or an infection of the epididymis. You can feel this structure (a long lumpy feeling structure) sitting on both testicles. Sometimes, you can get an infection that travels up the urinary tract and into the epidydimus causing swelling and excruciating pain. Sometimes these infections are sexually transmitted, ie. chlamydia. Regardless of what is causing the infection you MUST see your doctor to be tested and treated with an antibiotic(s). Other possibilities are hydroceles or fluid filled sacs inside the scrotum involving the testicle. A varicocele is essentially a “varicose” vein (inflammed and enlarged vein) in the male reproductive organs. To try to set your mind at ease, almost all of the time, a malignant testicular tumor is painless. Since yours is very painful the likelihood of it being testicular cancer is very low. Essentially anything inside your scrotum can get infected and an abscess can form (a pus filled sac). Like I said without knowing more about your symptoms and the fact that I cannot examine you I cant tell you for sure what is going on. My money is on an infection, so you really need to see your doctor. The only other thing I can think of is a “torsion” of the testicle. Simply speaking, this is when the testicle gets twisted on itself thus cutting the blood supply off. Usually, the testicle will enlarge, there often is discoloration of the scrotum (purplish blue), and the pain is almost unbearable. This is a medical emergency because when the blood supply gets cut off for too long the testicle “dies”. My advice to you is see your doctor as soon as you can. If you call your doctor and tell them your symptoms, I am sure they will get you in immediately because they know this could be a medical emergency. I dont mean to scare you, just being honest and trying to encourage you to get to the doctor.I hope this helped answer your question.Best regards,,Warren Shaffer, M.D.
It could be a cyst or protein buildup, or it could be a tumor. It could very well be benign, but I would definitely get it checked out. Don’t freak out, and don’t be nervous about a cold hand on your junk. Take care of yourself, and make an appointment!
Painful lumps on the testicles are nothing to fool around with or ignore. While they may be minor, they could be as serious as cancer or other nasty condition. thus get your testicles to the doctor and have them poked, prodded and otherwise examined so as to find out for sure what it is and what, if anything, needs to be done. Don’t panic yet though; it could be one of several minor things for which little or not treatment is required.And, for all guys reading this, learn to check your testicles and all of that region regularly so you can detect any lumps or bumps or other changes that might signal a problem. Far better to catch them in the early stages where treatment is much easier and probably less invasive.
You need to see a doctor soon. The fact you are stating this is painful indicates a serious problem.Good luck.
If it is on the surface then it could be a lot of different things. However if it is inside than it could be epiditiomitus which is an infection in the epiditomus.
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