can hiv2 be detected on a p24 antigen test?

Q:can hiv2 be detected on a p24 antigen test?
More Answers to “can hiv2 be detected on a p24 antigen test?
It is a very expensive test. Look for free anonymous testing sites that do rapid testing… takes 20 minutes. It tests for HIV1 and HIV2. if you are reactive, they will take blood to do a confirmatory test, for 1 and 2 if they feel you have a risk for hiv2… usually if you’ve been to west africa, are west african, or have a west african partner.
Yes, if you look at this site it will give you lots of information
yes it can if you have hiv1 or 2 thaT test will detect it.That p24 antigen test is accurate it test for protein levels and is use mostly in testing donated blood.
yes it could be . i think so. what is an p24 antigen test?
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