Does anyone know of a somewhat cure for hypochondriacs ?

Q:Does anyone know of a somewhat cure for hypochondriacs ?
More Answers to “Does anyone know of a somewhat cure for hypochondriacs ?
just agree with them and give them the cure all pill = placebo sugar pills (or sleeping pills :P)
Yep, take a deep breath and smoke some weed. hypnotism
Hypochondria (or hypochondriasis, sometimes referred to as health anxiety or health phobia) is a somatoform disorder in which one has the unfounded belief that he or she is suffering from a serious illness. Hypochondria is often characterized by irrational fears of being diseased/dying, obsessions over minor bodily symptoms or imperfections, doubt and disbelief in doctors’ diagnosis, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis and preoccupation with one’s body. Hypochondriacs often require constant reassurance, sometimes from multiple doctors, family and friends.Hypochondria is often associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety, and can also be brought on by stress.The term hypochondria comes from the Greek hypo- (below) and chondros (cartilage – of the breast bone). The term was originally used to describe unidentifiable stomach pains. It was thought by ancient Greek physicians that such pains were caused by the movement of the spleen, an organ located near the hypochondrium (the upper region of the abdomen just below the ribs on either side of the epigastrium).During the 19th century the term evolved to be the male counterpart to hysteria.There is some evidence that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and antidepressants can alleviate severe hypochondria.[edit]Tips for hypochondriacsSufferers of hypochondria may benefit from one or more of the following exercises:Keeping a journal describing what led to the anxiety attacks or panic Talking with friends or family members, and taking a different perspective on the symptoms Tracking the triggering factors of anxiety, and avoiding them (e.g. self-diagnosis, reading about symptoms) Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive outlook [edit]Factors contributing to hypochondriaMedia and the Internet often contribute to hypochondria, as articles, TV shows and advertisements regarding serious illnesses such as cancer and multiple sclerosis (some of the common diseases hypochondriacs think they have) often portray these diseases as being random, obscure and somewhat inevitable. This only allows the hypochondriac to reinforce the idea that they actually have that illness.It is not uncommon that deaths in family members or friends can trigger hypochondria in certain individuals. Major outbreaks or predicted pandemics can also contribute to hypochondria. Statistics regarding certain illnesses such as cancer will give hypochondriacs the illusion that they are more likely to develop the disease One word: placebo.
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