Smoothbeam laser surgery for acne?

Q:i have mild acne .white heads and red pimples they disgust me , i’ve been using a lot of products like neutrogena proactiv uhmm natures cure and apricot scrub i’ve taken hormone balance vitamins and like eating 70 % green vegetables but nothing seems to help i dont no the root of where it is starting :[ maybe too much hormones or my skin condition is meant to be like this buutt i want to apply smoothbeam laser surgery im 13 yes pretty young i no but im not really informed with this surgery so can someone explain the costs and any side effect and if it works?? does insurance cover the costs?
More Answers to “Smoothbeam laser surgery for acne?
Because of your age, I would not consider surgery at this time. And sometimes using so many products just makes it worse, especially the scrubs which aggravate the skin and increase oil production.Here are some ideas my three teenagers did:Wash with cool water- warm/hot water increases oil productionA clean fresh pillow case every nightUse fresh towels/wash cloths- keep bacteria off your faceThey all used the Proactive skin care system. It works if you use it regularly and have a healthy diet
Depends on the practice. Some may cover your insurance, and some may not. Beforehand, look in the phone book and call the business you’re interested in going to for the surgery, and see if they’ll cover you. If not, a good bottle of acne treatment cream works just as well as the scrubs and pills [and you can buy it at walmart for about 2 bucks] . Keep your hands away from your face, don’t eat any greasy/fatty foods, and take a shower daily.
I would strongly recommend you so stay away from this. Fist off, it doesn’t cure acne, it diminishes scaring, in order for them to even Begin to start, they need to stop your current acne. I dropped 5 grand on 6 laser sessions (which was pretty much the standard) I was not at all satisfied with the after affects, it left me with milia all over my face. It is was to expensive and not worth it at all i think. You should see a dermatologist and get on anti-biotics. Don’t over wash your face because that can irritate it and cause more brake outs. Stick with one product and give it time to work. I would say pro-active, just don’t stop using it and give it time. oh and insurance will NOT cover it! Sorry!
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