Letters from Home: A Soldiers Escape from Reality

This is not just another article about patriotism. This is not just another blog about how we should support our troops. This is something more. This is my song, orchestrated from my heart, written like a visual performance to those that serve our country.

In the past 236 years, the United States has gone from a petite, scrawny cluster of 13 colonies to a powerful, united group of 50 states. The democratic government was built around our United States Constitution and has helped to keep this country unified, however our freedom lies within the hands of our soldiers who selflessly put their lives on the line to preserve and uphold the liberties promised by our founding fathers. My right to write this article comes from the 1.4 million active duty service men and women in addition to 1.2 million reserve personnel that protect my freedom of speech.

I myself am an Army brat. Many people in my family have served in the Army, from protecting President Dwight Eisenhower to Special Forces members to multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I myself recently put school on hold after a semester to follow where my heart most clearly belongs right now: as a member of the United States Armed Force. My dream is to contribute the same sacrifice and service in the honored fashion that only a select few will commit to in their life time. At this point in my life it is not about how many zero’s that will be at the end of my paycheck, even though that is a plus. My motive is not about how high up in the chain of command I rank or how many people I boss around. It is about carrying a legacy of integrity and honor while experiencing something bigger than myself; the experience of giving life and freedom to my unborn children and generations to follow.

When deployed, soldiers look forward to receiving letters and packages from home. Soldiers can call or chat via web cam with beloved family members; nothing beats a hand-written letter that is easily accessed from a uniformed pocket to be read over and over again at any time of loneliness.

Many months ago, one of my closest friends, Tim Bishop, left for basic training. Before he left, there was a going away party held for him and my band was asked to perform for this occasion. While preparing for this, we decided to write a song dedicated not only to my friend and his brother Richard, who is also enlisted, but to all service men and women. The outline of the song was to include three letters written by family members to the soldier and one wrote in return to family members by the soldier. Little did I know this would have more meaning to it than I expected.

With tears in eyes, they both came up and hugged us for the song. I had only seen Tim cry once and that was after we lost in the regional game our senior year and I was under the impression Richard was made of stone and did not know that tears existed. I had not expected this to mean very much to them. I did not fully understand how something as little as a five minute song could let them know we love and appreciate them. At this moment, I realized that this was something I needed to be a part of. I needed to be a United States soldier. However, I went to school instead, but that in itself is a whole different story.

I want to share this song and promote the deeper meaning of appreciation and gratitude to those who keep the American dream alive, not for the sake of personal gain through my music. The song Sincerely Me can be found in the attached link as well as the lyrics. It is my hopefulness that members of the military see this and know we all appreciate them giving their lives to the greater cause.

Sincerely Me

Dear baby, I miss you so

Hurts my heart and tears start to flow
Things are good here, Johnny’s getting so big
Growing up so fast, he’s his father’s kid
I got that promotion at work and a bit of a raise
Things all running smooth all by God’s Amazing Grace

We made a countdown calendar, only 64 days
Till come home now and you’re here to stay
Have to wrap this up, I’m proud as can be
I love you so much, Sincerely Me

Dear son, oh how you’ve grown
Became a better man than I’d ever known
Things aren’t good here, your mother’s a mess
Went to the doctor, its starting to progress
Don’t worry too much, just focus on that job
Come home safely to me and your mom

We made a countdown calendar, only 64 days
Till you come home now and you’re here to stay
Have to wrap this up, I’m proud as can be
We love you so much, Sincerely Me

Dear daddy, just please come home
No one to play with I feel all alone
We can play catch, I’m getting good
I’ll make All-stars coach said I should
You can watch me soon and I’m pretty glad
And when I grow up, I wanna be just like my dad

We made a countdown calendar, only 64 days
Till you come home now and you’re here to stay
Have to wrap this up, I’m proud as can be
I love you so much, Sincerely Me

Dear Sincerely Me,
Going as fast as I can be
Coming straight home to you,
Just know that I love you too
These past twelve months have been hell
Can’t tell you that its been well
But I’d do it again, repeated
Till all harm as retreated
And to my love, earn for your touch and your kisses
I miss you so much and you make all my wishes
Dear Mom and Dad, I send my best regards
I wish it wasn’t so bad and I could make it not so hard
To my buckeroo, yeah I’ve missed you too
Can’t wait to see how much better you are than me
Right about now, I should be walking through the front door
Take a load off my back and set my things on the floor
All of you gathered on the couch in the living room
Waiting for this Private to come back and hit resume
God bless American, from sea to shining sea
I’m home, just turn around, Sincerely Me

I made a countdown calendar, forever I’m here to stay
Make sure I’m in your lives each and everyday
Time to wrap this up, I’m happy as can be
I love you all so much, Sincerely Me

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