Should You Bring Your Date Home for the Holiday Season?

Should you bring your date home for the holiday’s

By Jessita Herriott

Perhaps you’ve been dating someone and thought to yourself that things were going pretty well. The holidays are just around the corner, and you ask yourself the dreaded question, “should I take my date home for the holidays?”

It seems that every holiday since you left home to spread your wings as an adult, you have been asked questions about your love life and whether or not you have met someone by your parents and relatives. The majority of us would rather not indulge the details of love lives too soon, but the inevitable “can you bring them by this holiday for a meet-and-greet?” does eventually come up in conversation.

Here are a few questions to consider before you bring your date home for the holidays:

How do you feel about him or her?

· Do you like them, love them and enjoy their company?

How long have you been dating?

· It may not be a good idea to take someone you just met home. Does your relationship have any signs of longevity?

How do you feel about your family? Are they embarrassing, snobby or normal?

· How your family responds to you and your date can make or break the relationship, and having a family that understands tact and prudence is very necessary.

How will your date be perceived by your family?

· You would have to determine beforehand if your date will be liked by your family. Is your date personable, accomplished and polished in appearance?

Does this individual have qualities and attributes that you consider appropriate enough for you to bring them home?

· They should have at least a moderate amount of intelligence and ambition.

Have you discussed this with your date beforehand?

· Perhaps they might not be ready to meet your family at this stage in your relationship. They may even think that it is too soon. At the end of the day, no one wants to be caught in an awkward situation.

But if your date is on board, this meet-and-greet will help him or her to understand where your relationship is going. In times past, taking your date home to meet the family used to serve as a sign about how serious you were, but times have changed, and many people have reinvented the wheel in this area. Nowadays, people take their dates home for different reasons, such as: To show them off, to upstage another relative’s date, to prove or disapprove their sexual orientation or to make themselves look good, etc.

Whatever your reason, just consider how comfortable your date is with the situation beforehand. I also want to advise you to take the pressure off, if this holiday isn’t a good time to take your date home, then maybe consider the next holiday. Do not attempt to take your date home if you detect the timing isn’t right for you or your date. Be sure to plan well beforehand, and most of all, try to have fun. After all, it is a meet-and-greet, not American Idol.

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