Three Common Things that Are Ruining Your Health

It isn’t easy to stay healthy these days. Sure, you can eat right and exercise, but there are things out there that are invading your air and your body that take away from your health. Health isn’t just about what we do to our own bodies, it also reflects what other people and the environment are doing to our bodies. Unfortunately, there is no way to completely avoid things like air pollution, but there are steps you can take to help make it have less of an impact on your life and health.

One of the biggest things out there right now that is ruining your health is cigarette smoke. Even if you don’t smoke you are at risk of it’s negative effects. Even if you live in a state where smoking is banned in public places you still run the risk of it’s toxic nature when you are anywhere outside or in someone’s home. The best thing to do if you are a smoker, is to quit. If you live in a house with other smokers who refuse to quit ask them to please take it outside. Step away or outside when you aren’t at home and someone lights up. Second hand smoke is just as bad for you as puffing on the cigarette with your own lips. Want to avoid things like lung cancer and carrying an oxygen tank around with you? Get away from the cigarette smoke.

Another airborne health destroyer is air pollution. Factories, cars, trucks and other things put pollution into the air. Chemicals that can make us sick over the long term. You can’t just lock yourself in the house, so what is it you can do to help protect yourself? Protect your skin, which allows some of these pollutants in. Do that by exfoliating, moisturizing and using sun blocks. Ride a bike. This will help cut out just a bit of that pollution. Or walk, even. You can also put an air ionizer in your home to help pull out any toxins in the air. You’ll breath easier!

The last sneaky thing that is ruining your health are processed foods. Even when you think you’re eating healthy you may be taking in extra sodium and preservatives that you just don’t need and can be harming your health. Buy fresh foods. Cook from scratch. If you have the space you can grow your own garden. Some towns have local Farmer’s Market in season which are great places to pick up healthy, natural foods that are preservative free. When you have to buy processed, look for low sodium counts!

These aren’t the only things that might be harming your health, but they are three big ones that people are battling these days. You can take steps to a healthier you by following the tips in this article.

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