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Are you immune to h1n1 after you catch it

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After being infected with the 2009 swine flu virus, you can’t catch the same virus again. Once you’re exposed to a flu virus, your immune system develops antibodies and memory cells unique to that virus. Thanks for the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/are-you-immune-to-h1n1-after-you-catch-it ]
More Answers to “Are you immune to h1n1 after you catch it
Are you immune to h1n1 after you catch it
After being infected with the 2009 swine flu virus, you can’t catch the same virus again. Once you’re exposed to a flu virus, your immune system develops antibodies and memory cells unique to that virus. Thanks for the ChaCha!

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Q: My children got the first dose of it last week, they go back in November to get the second dose, then they will be 100% immune. My question is are their chances of getting it now lesser? What are the chances of catching the virus if you’ve already had the first dose?
A: No.50 : 50.Pregnant women and children younger than 2 should not get the FluMist. The injections Gaglani receives will be used for children who can’t take the FluMist and for school staff 50 years of age and older.FluMist is only approved for use in vaccinating people 2 years through 49 years of age who are not pregnant and do not have certain chronic health conditions.Spray the FluMist up noses. The only tears (side ffect) came from a youngster who was accompanied by his mother.www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/…/h1n1.vaccine…/index.html –
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Q: I’m 16, i haven’t had a cold in years, the last major sickness i had was chicken pox when i was a year old, never get the flu shot, never had any sickness like the flu, cold, etc…. and basically my dad got the vaccination from his doctor, and i was told that by my dad that I’m a higher risk because my immune system is strong to the common cold and bacteria but if i caught the H1N1 it would hit me back because my immune never faced this type of virus or any…..Should i get the Shot for this reason? Or fight the h1n1? Other methods? Vitamins? What do you do?Secondly, im afraid of getting the H1N1 vaccine after hearing that the allergic reaction rate to that vaccine is high, basically im scared of dying from the vaccine, like that girl who got it and now her brain is messed because of it, plus Ive never gotten a flu shot before??????WHAT DO I DO?
A: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.You are healthy. Keep doing what you have been doing, and that means continuing to avoid flu shots.
Question about flu and pregnancy…not H1N1 just regular flu?
Q: I am 24 weeks pregnant, and I spent the weekend with my boyfriend, and now he thinks he has the flu. His house has oil heat, and it is cold here now, so the heat was turned on and while I was sleeping I woke up coughing, and my nose felt dry and mucousy in the back of it, also my throat felt a bit tick. My boyfriend felt the same way too. He was alos sneezing all weekend, but he sneezes a lot due to alergies so I dont think that had anything to do with the flu. Anyway, I came home on Monday, and I have felt fine ever since, it was only after I woke up that I felt the way I did. I assumed it was becasue of the hot dry air in his house. Anyway he called me monday night and he sounded horrible, like his nasal passages were blocked, he said he had a headache, and his whole body aches, it is 2 days now and he still feels sick, tired, and said he woke up today in a cold sweat. I still feel fine. I usually dont get very sick when other people have the flu and whatnot, maybe a very mild version of what other people around me get and it doesnt last as long. I am wondering, after being exposed to the flu (if that is what he has) by him, how long might it take for me to show symptoms, if I actually caught it from him. I know all about lowered immune systems in pregnancy, and that the flu can be bad when you ar pregnant. I am just wondering if I am in the clear or still could get sick even if I am not around him now. He hasnt had a fever either, just the symptoms I have mentioned.yes I will be getting the flu shot, regular one anyway. I usually do every year. I am also asking my bf to get the H1N1 vaccine, as he goes to school, and I dont want him bringing home anything.
A: Your BF should get tested for influenza asap. If he has it, you should ask your OB to prescribe antiviral. It may take 2-5 days for symptoms to appear in you. Consider getting a seasonal flu shot. I got mine at 16 weeks.Good luck!
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