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How can i catch the h1n1

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The virus is spread from person 2 person through coughing or sneezing, so avoid ppl w/flu or flu-like symptoms. Avoid touching things such as doorknobs w/flu virus on it. Wash hands thoroughly. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-i-catch-the-h1n1 ]
More Answers to “How can i catch the h1n1
Just as with the regular seasonal flu, the virus enters your body through your nose, mouth, or eyes. People infected with H1N1 shed virus starting a day before symptoms begin and lasting up to a week or longer in some patients. An uncovered…
Spread of H1N1 can occur in two ways:・ Through contact with infected pigs or environments contaminated with H1N1 viruses. ・ Through contact with a person with H1N1. Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through …
Spread of swine flu can occur in two ways:

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you have the h1n1 flu shot can you still catch the h1n1 flu?
Q: Will they be keeping a separate record to see how many people who get the shot get h1n1 compared to those who don’t get the shot? I’ve known many people who won’t get flu shots because the first time they got one they were extremely ill with the flu and they had never had a case of the flu before they had a shot. What do other people think?I don’t plan on getting it. I am a healthy individual. I plan on being pro-preventive to stay health.
A: No vaccine is 100% effective all the time for everyone. It take 2 weeks to produce sufficient antibodies after receiving the vaccine. Some of the people you’ve known may have already carried the flu virus when they were vaccinated or they may have been infected during the 2-week period after having been vaccinated. The fact that they’d never had flu before may not be that significant. Their luck may have run out. And some of the people you’ve known may have side effects somewhat more severe than others. Technically, they didn’t have the flu. They were injected with a dead virus. It was the proteins on the viral surface that they reacted to. It’s the proteins H (hemagglutinin) and N (neuraminidase) against which our bodies produce antibodies. The body can’t know that the virus is dead. It’s not the virus itself we initially react to. The immune system does what it does regardless and some have a stronger response then others, especially first-time vaccine recipients. While some of your acquaintances didn’t actually have a case of flu, they did have all the symptoms without having the infection.”Will they be keeping a separate record to see how many people who get the shot get h1n1 compared to those who don’t get the shot?” — I can’t make a prediction on this but it makes sense that health authorities would prefer to maintain statistics, doesn’t it? Of value would be how many vaccine doses are dispensed and administered.FYI: “purplemoonleo”. I don’t think any one is contesting whether a virus can or can’t be “cured”. Of course you’re correct but a cure isn’t the issue — prevention, among other things, is the issue in the question above.
Has your baby caught H1N1?
Q: I think my 3 month old is getting it. She’s not bad at all. But she’s coughing a teensy bit, and sneezing a little bit more than usual.I’m sick, hubby is sick, everyone is sick.She’s been sleeping a lot these past 4 days.I refuse to take her to the hospital. People there are sick and they can’t bare it anymore. I don’t want to potentially catch something and bring it home. I want to do a home healing type of thing. Hubby and I have been taking medicine, and the baby has been eating lots of breastmilk and sleeping a lot.If your baby caught H1N1, what did you do? What were the symptoms and how bad did it get before you said “okay, time to go to the doctor”?I’m not worried about any of us.
A: I haven’t caught this but I was told that if it is a flu that you need to be really careful because it is not the flu that can harm you that bad but the pneumonia that cab be fatal. if you have to bring her to the docs wear a face mask cover her up in her car seat. don’t touch eyes nose mouth and wash hands frequently. My friend had this I have a 2 month old I went to the store for her but I made sure to ware a face mask and gloves. if you think you have this call the ped schedule appt for her that way your only in waiting room fir few minutes.
How do you catch swine flu / H1N1?
Q: I want to know some ways of how u can get the swine flu.And also the symptoms of swine flu.
A: Swine flu is just flu. Flu is a respiratory infection and is spread through contact with saliva and respiratory secretions. The symptoms are the same as those for any type A flu, with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea more prevalent in adults as well as in children than other type A flus. This information is easily obtained by a search and there are 167 million sites to look at.
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