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How common is h1n1

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The World Health Organization reports H1N1 has spread to more than 200 countries, with nearly 12,000 laboratory confirmed deaths. Even with these numbers, it is still not very common. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-common-is-h1n1 ]
More Answers to “How common is h1n1
How common is h1n1
The World Health Organization reports H1N1 has spread to more than 200 countries, with nearly 12,000 laboratory confirmed deaths. Even with these numbers, it is still not very common.
How common is the A (H1N1) flu infection in humans?
In the past reports of about one human A(H1N1) flu virus infection had been received every one to two years in the United States. From December 2005 till February 2009, 12 cases have been reported.
What are the most common symptoms of H1N1?
Most commonly, we are seeing fever, cough, runny nose and congestion. Some children are experiencing nausea and vomiting. Sore throat is also common. Remember, strep throat is uncommon in this wave of illness and almost never causes a cough…

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I’m coming down with cold/flu like symptoms could this mean I have H1N1?
Q: I dont really care what I have but i’m wondering how common the H1N1 virus is now and the reality of getting it.
A: There is no way to tell H1N1 apart from the regular flu besides being tested by your doctor.It doesn’t really matter what you have – the treatment is the same in either case. Bed rest, lots of fluids, you know the drill.
did the people who died from h1n1 have anything in common. How many get it % wise with no problem. My?
Q: favorite brother has it and I am a little worried. Sister in law living there was diagnosed a few days ago with a test at the hospital and now he has it.Will he likely be ok? Is it worst than any other flu?I hope I don’t get it now as just with him the last week a lot.
A: Obese people have a greater risk of dyingIf the person who has h1n1 is on high cholesterol or high blood pressure medication i think that increases the chances of survival.
Is having these feelings after the H1N1 shot normal and how common is it to have?
Q: I got my shot in the arm 4 hours later, I had pains in my arms. When I woke up this morning I was a bit shaky, cold and dizzy, and I have a light fever. How long will these last?
A: Yes, I think that it’s normal. Several of my classmates have complained about sore arms or pain in the arm after getting the shot, and some have even skipped a day of school after getting shot because they weren’t feeling well. As long as your fever isn’t too high, you should be fine. It takes a while for your body to get adjusted. I mean, you just got the virus injected into you, so it takes time to get adjusted. You should probably be okay around 1 or 2 days (in my opinion) after the vaccination. If you’re still feeling sick after that, I’d suggest seeing a doctor. Good luck, and I hope you get better soon. 🙂
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