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How many people has the h1n1 killed

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As of the middle of September the H1N1 (swine) flu virus has killed at least 2837 people. Thanks for doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-many-people-has-the-h1n1-killed ]
More Answers to “How many people has the h1n1 killed
How many people has the h1n1 killed
As of the middle of September the H1N1 (swine) flu virus has killed at least 2837 people. Thanks for doing the ChaCha!
Will the people who get H1N1 have a high chance of being killed f…?
・ A) one of the things that puzzles scientists, is that with the “regular” flu, babies and old people are … ・ B) the “swine flu” is no more “deadly” than any other flu bug that goes around each year. Don’t ge…
Is it true that H1N1 kills people with good immune systems??
You are correct: Absolute rubbish in the purest sense of the term! True, the CDC did publish new data this week that indicates that people who are otherwise healthy are about as likely to suffer severe symptoms and become hospitalized fro…

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A: because compared to the normal flu, it kills very few people.
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