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How many people in general and how many children have died from swine flu

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77 patients have died of the new pandemic H1N1 virus in the United States, including seven children. Thanks, ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-many-people-in-general-and-how-many-children-have-died-from-swine-flu ]
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How many people in general and how many children have died from s…?
77 patients have died of the new pandemic H1N1 virus in the United States, including seven children. Thanks, ChaCha!

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Mexican soccer fan ????????????
Q: lets forget about soccerlets think about the swing fluesome people email me about the swing flue they were telling me about what can i do to protect myselfthis is what i said Q: How do I protect myself and my family?A: For now, take commonsense precautions. Cover your coughs and sneezes, with a tissue that you throw away or by sneezing into your elbow rather than your hand. Wash hands frequently; if soap and water aren’t available, hand gels can substitute. Stay home if you’re sick and keep children home from school if they are.Q: How easy is it to catch this virus?A: Scientists don’t yet know if it takes fairly close or prolonged contact with someone who’s sick, or if it’s more easily spread. But in general, flu viruses spread through uncovered coughs and sneezes or — and this is important — by touching your mouth or nose with unwashed hands. Flu viruses can live on surfaces for several hours, like a doorknob just touched by someone who sneezed into his hand.Q: In Mexico, officials are handing out face masks. Do I need one?A: The CDC says there’s not good evidence that masks really help outside of health care settings. It’s safer just to avoid close contact with someone who’s sick and avoid crowded gatherings in places where swine flu is known to be spreading. But if you can’t do that, CDC guidelines say it’s OK to consider a mask — just don’t let it substitute for good precautions.Q: Is swine flu treatable?A: Yes, with the flu drugs Tamiflu or Relenza, but not with two older flu medications.Q: Is there enough?A: Yes. The federal government has stockpiled enough of the drugs to treat 50 million people, and many states have additional stocks. As a precaution, the CDC has shipped a quarter of that supply to the states to keep on hand just in case the virus starts spreading more than it has so far.Q: Should I take Tamiflu as a precaution if I’m not sick yet?A: No. “What are you going to do with it, use it when you get a sniffle?” asks Dr. Marc Siegel of New York University Langone Medical Center and author of “Bird Flu: Everything you Need To Know About The Next Pandemic.” Overusing antiviral drugs can help germs become resistant to them.Q: How big is my risk?A: For most people, very low. Outside of Mexico, so far clusters of illnesses seem related to Mexican travel. New York City’s cluster, for instance, consists of students and family members at one school where some students came back ill from spring break in Mexico.Q: Why are people dying in Mexico and not here?A: That’s a mystery. First, understand that no one really knows just how many people in Mexico are dying of this flu strain, or how many have it. Only a fraction of the suspected deaths have been tested and confirmed as swine flu, and some initially suspected cases were caused by something else.Q: Should I cancel my planned trip to Mexico?A: The U.S. did issue a travel advisory Monday discouraging nonessential travel there.Q: What else is the U.S., or anyone else, doing to try to stop this virus?A: The U.S. is beginning limited screening of travelers from Mexico, so that the obviously sick can be sent for treatment. Other governments have issued their own travel warnings and restrictions. Mexico is taking the biggest steps, closings that limit most crowded gatherings. In the U.S., communities with clusters of illness also may limit contact — New York closed the affected school for a few days, for example — so stay tuned to hear if your area eventually is affected.Q: What are the symptoms?A: They’re similar to regular human flu — a fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people also have diarrhea and vomiting.Q: How do I know if I should see a doctor? Maybe my symptoms are from something else — like pollen?A: Health authorities say if you live in places where swine flu cases have been confirmed, or you recently traveled to Mexico, and you have flulike symptoms, ask your doctor if you need treatment or to be tested. Allergies won’t cause a fever. And run-of-the-mill stomach bugs won’t be accompanied by respiratory symptoms, notes Dr. Wayne Reynolds of Newport News, Va., spokesman for the American Academy of Family Physicians.Q: Is there a vaccine to prevent this new infection?A: No. And CDC’s initial testing suggests that last winter’s flu shot didn’t offer any cross-protection.Q: How long would it take to produce a vaccine?A: A few months. The CDC has created what’s called “seed stock” of the new virus that manufacturers would need to start production. But the government hasn’t yet decided if the outbreak is bad enough to order that.Q: What is swine flu?A: Pigs spread their own strains of influenza and every so often people catch one, usually after contact with the animals. This new strain is a mix of pig viruses with some human and bird viruses. Unlike more typical swine flu, it is s
A: Uh-huh. I saw this on Yahoo’s Homepage.
Research Project Survey?
Q: Please answer this survey without looking up any answers, if you do so, please put your original answer first and the researched answer in brackets, all questions optional, please answer in this format:1. answer2. answer3. -4. answeretc..or to do on facebook view this link: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id…1.Do you watch TV?2.Do you believe that the media lies?3.Do you read fashion/health/fitness magazines?4.Do you believe the media affects the way you act?5.Do you believe the media affects your mood?6.Do you feel happy or sad after watching or reading the news?7.Do you think there is a cure(s) for cancer, malaria and/or AIDS?8.Do you believe in man made global warming or climate change?9.If yes, do you believe it is due to carbon?10.Do you believe that 9/11 was an inside job?11.Do you believe that 7/7(London train and bus bombings) was an inside job?12.Have you seen anything on public TV that questions the official stories?13.If you were in a room with friends and the TV was on, just a general show or the news, would you have a conversation, watch the TV, or have a conversation about what is on TV?14.Are you unhappy with your body image?15.How do you feel about models?16.How do recent music videos make you feel about yourself?17.What do you think of President Obama?18.What do you think of Gordon Brown?19.Where do you get your information on politics, for example, parties before voting?20.Do you think that US and European (including UK) troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are helping?21.Do you think we would be bombed or blown up if we did not go to war?22.Do you think the troops are fighting for our freedom and rights?23.Have you heard more good or bad about wars that we are not involved in from the media?24.Have you heard more good or bad about wars once we are involved in from the media?25.Do you believe swine flu (H1N1) was overrated, fear mongering or true as they explained it?26.Do you think that many people are dying from h1n1?27.Do you believe the H1N1 vaccine is safe for children and pregnant women?28.Do you think H1N1 is worse than regular seasonal flu?29.Do you think H1N1 came from Pigs, is man made, or something else?30.Do you believe that the recent underwear bomber was a terrorist, FBI or something else?31.Why do you think smoking and drinking is legal?32.Are you a smoker or drinker against drugs?33.Why do you think Marijuana is illegal?34.Does the media say anything good about Marijuana?35.Do you think people die from Marijuana?36.Why do you think MDMA is illegal?37.Does the media say anything good about MDMA?38.Do you think people die from MDMA?39.Do you think fluoride is good for your teeth?40.Do you think there is anything bad or wrong about fluoride?41.Does the media say anything bad about fluoride?42.Are you somewhat scared to speak publicly because your views may be different?43.Do you know your human rights?44.How do you think you would feel if you didn’t watch TV, listen to the radio, read magazines, etc.?45.What things in life would make you happy?46.Name?47.Occupation?48.Age?49.Gender?50.Country?
A: 1. yes2. I believe they are biased, so they spin things a certain way, but lying would cause law suits3. no4. sadly, yes5. yes6. annoyed (I guess that leans more toward sad than happy)7. I believe malaria has a cure, I’m not sure about aids, and cancer can be treated more efficiently, but cured is unlikely8. YES9. partly10. no, I’m not an idiot11. no12. I’m not sure what you mean by “public”, but I’ve seen some stuff to that effect on tv13. depends, but most likely have conversation about tv14. happy15. pointless16. I feel fine about myself, but sorry for the women in them17. I don’t trust him (and no, it’s not because he is African American)18. idk how that is19. newspaper, tv, online, peers20. to some extent21. that is extremely over simplified22. not directly23. bad24. bad25. overrated26. “many” is a horrible term to use. I know that people are dying. but that it isn’t an epidemic27. I’m not a doctor, but I would assume so28. yes29. natural selection is in the works30. idk31. it puts others in danger32. I don’t smoke or drink33. It became popular during the prohibition and had similar effects to alcohol, so it was banned. It remains illegal because it is a gateway drug.34. yes35. no, not directly, but they make bad decisions when high that could lead to death36. idk what MDMA is so…39. yes40. no…41. not that I’ve heard42. sometimes43. yes44. I love music so I would be depressed without it, but can and have lived without tv, mag., etc. and was fine45. Loving community46. R. B.47. student48. 1749. f50. USA
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