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Is president Obama and family getting the H1N1 shot

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There is debate about that right now, as he has not confirmed that he himself will be taking it. Thank you for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-president-obama-and-family-getting-the-h1n1-shot ]
More Answers to “Is president Obama and family getting the H1N1 shot
Is president Obama and family getting the H1N1 shot
There is debate about that right now, as he has not confirmed that he himself will be taking it. Thank you for asking ChaCha!

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For Republicans, doesn’t it have nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with how the Republican?
Q: voters behave up until election time 2012? In other words, instead of stupid stuff, shouldn’t you guys be preparing for “12”?How can Republicans regain the Presidency?This is how I think they might do it.1). Stop talking about him being a foreigner, a Muslim, a Marxist, evil, gay, or whatever you want to throw at him. At least stop doing it at election time. Just go with the issues. It will save you votes.2). And when I say go with the issues, make sure they are issues. No more crap about teleprompters. It is a non-issue that means very little. People in your own party are going to start rolling their eyes. You don’t want that. You want votes.3). All other miscellaneous garbage that doesn’t go anywhere like the fact the Obama’s family got the H1N1 shots before some others did. Obama’s family has the Secret Service. If Presidents don’t have special privileges why have the secret service to protect them? Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush would all get shots first. That’s OK with me and that should be OK for all Republicans regardless of who is President. Saying Obama’s family shouldn’t get them right away will only cost you votes.Now if you think I am full of it and I am sure to hear from a lot of Republicans calling me all sorts of names, then you must not think very highly of your boy John McCain.Do you remember when McCain had that town hall meeting to talk the ISSUES with Republicans and the 85 year old lady stood up and started to say that Obama was a Muslim radical? McCain started to shake his head and repeatedly say no. no, No, NO!He absolutely wanted to kill this old women because he knows that this sort of rhetoric is toxic for the Republicans. He knows that using a policy of “throwing everything including the kitchen sink” at Obama actually has a reverse effect. He realizes that you have to stick with the issues like healthcare, the war, and the economy. You got to hit Obama where it hurts. Or, you can ignore me and welcome Obama in for another 4 years starting in 2012. Whats it going to be?”cptainamer,” Let me hear your made up bull s*** first and then I will tell you I’m on CSPAN every night. Don’t make me laugh you big nobody-nothing-guy.”smellyfoot,” I’m a Democrat. I’m also a big softy. I hate to see these guys work so hard and get killed in 2012 because they don’t know how to go about winning anymore.I haven’t switched parties. I’m just wondering how many of these guys will do what they need to do. That’s all.”smellyfoot,” Some of the stuff that Republicans ARE talking about AREN’T issues regardless of what you say. You don’t know what you are talking about. Teleprompter use isn’t an issue.”James E”, They should, although 60 min man probably is more in line with reality. I hope he is right although it certainly seems like more than 5%. I’ll take his word for it because he is a pretty straight shooter. I can say this although we have had some disagreements. He knows what he is talking about from my concern”Hambone”, That’s what I think. It has nothing to do with policies anymore. It is all political. Nobody reads what is really going on, they just pick a side. It’s all bs on the Dem side and Repub side. The Depublican party. That’s what it is.And I got people telling me “I” think I’m some sort of expert. S***, I’m just trying to remind them that it is about elections and not politics. Christ, you would think anyone would know that. Obviously not, I guess. Not the 5% of the Republicans who myself and 60 min man is talking about which equals the 100% of the Republican respondents to this forum!
A: Why are you dolling out unsolicited advice on how Republicans can beat Obama? I’m just curious….”Republicans don’t talk about issues” is a bullshit statement. The right is just not hear through the filter of Obama-loving media bias. Yes, there is alot of non-issue spew – but it comes from both sides.
Obama declares the H1N1 a ‘national emergency’..yet doesnt get his girls vaccinated….?
Q: Is this a pre example of how government run healthcare is going to be? Having such a shortage in a ‘national emergency’ even the presidents own kids cant get the shot, or is it because there hasn’t been enough studies on the vaccine, he knows better than to give it to his family and will test it out on us first?Proof? Seriously? My gawd, dont you people watch real news..heres a bunch of linkshttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Obama+girls+have+not+got+h1n1+vaccine&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
A: Every person who has a cold right now is being told they HAVE H1N1 to justify all the money spent on it. That’s the government for you. Collects 65k in taxes for every 10k that does anything good for the people.
How can Republicans regain the Presidency?
Q: This is how I think they might do it.1). Stop talking about him being a foreigner, a Muslim, a Marxist, evil, gay, or whatever you want to throw at him. At least stop doing it at election time. Just go with the issues. It will save you votes.2). And when I say go with the issues, make sure they are issues. No more crap about teleprompters. It is a non-issue that means very little. People in your own party are going to start rolling their eyes. You don’t want that. You want votes.3). All other miscellaneous garbage that doesn’t go anywhere like the fact the Obama’s family got the H1N1 shots before some others did. Obama’s family has the Secret Service. If Presidents don’t have special privileges why have the secret service to protect them? Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush would all get shots first. That’s OK with me and that should be OK for all Republicans regardless of who is President. Saying Obama’s family shouldn’t get them right away will only cost you votes.Now if you think I am full of it and I am sure to hear from a lot of Republicans calling me all sorts of names, then you must not think very highly of your boy John McCain.Do you remember when McCain had that town hall meeting to talk the ISSUES with Republicans and the 85 year old lady stood up and started to say that Obama was a Muslim radical? McCain started to shake his head and repeatedly say no. no, No, NO!He absolutely wanted to kill this old women because he knows that this sort of rhetoric is toxic for the Republicans. He knows that using a policy of “throwing everything including the kitchen sink” at Obama actually has a reverse effect. He realizes that you have to stick with the issues like healthcare, the war, and the economy. You got to hit Obama where it hurts. Or, you can ignore me and welcome Obama in for another 4 years starting in 2012. Whats it going to be?”Sawyer,” Not necessarily. In other words, you are saying that changes in the Republican party and MORE importantly changes in the behavior of Republican voters is a non issue. You are essentially disagreeing with me. Well, for your sake I hope you are right. My point is that Obama, like any President will find a way to “kill” himself. As a Republican you would be better off letting him do it. Other wise, you will lose in 2012 regardless of how he does. It really is your choice if you are smart enough to make it.”Meghan,” actually, Republicans have a fine chance of winning next time around. I really believe that. The problem is that Republicans keep shooting at Obama’s feet to try to kill him. For instance, all this stuff about sending in more troops. Well, his whole election plateform and what he was elected for was to bring the troops home, not send more in so obviously he has some tough desicions to make. Even if he had sent troops in right away and the results didn’t go as expected than Republicans would have cucified him anyway. The troop thing is a no win situation for him and the complexity of the policy is beyond me. And you.”cattledog,” People have to consider what you are saying, especially on the Republican side. Goods points.I think all people have a breaking point. For instance, Republicans calling Obama a Communist doesn’t go anywhere in the long term. Even Richard Nixon knew that first you have to lable them as a liar before you lable them as a Communist. Knowbody will believe it deep down until then. That’s what Nixon did to Alger Hiss. You can’t just skip over parts.”Tehabwa, ” I think it is a little bit more in the middle. What I have found is that most people aren’t digging enough through what a lot of these policies mean to the different political parties. The radio show hosts like Glen Beck can say just about anything and people gobble it up. People aren’t digging into the facts enough. Half the stuff Obama does including any other President is 50% policy and 50 % trying to keep the “spin off.” I’m not kidding. When Bush was in office the Democrats were full of s***. Republican now are the s*** misters of society. They are just full of it up to their ears. And if I had two weeks to explain it to them I would chew every single one of these idiots to pieces on this forum. They are just d icks.
A: Don’t have to do much. Everyones going to feel the same way about Democrats after Obama as they did about Republicans after Bush.
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