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Is the H1n1 an Airborne Virus

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The H1N1 virus is airborne. You cannot get it from a swine products. It is now widespread in 37 states. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-the-h1n1-an-airborne-virus ]
More Answers to “Is the H1n1 an Airborne Virus
Is the H1n1 an Airborne Virus
The H1N1 virus is airborne. You cannot get it from a swine products. It is now widespread in 37 states. ChaCha!
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats up with the H1N1 virus (swine flu)?
Q: Now here is the real question.Is it just me or is everyone overreacting a little bit to the virus? I mean sure it has the potential to kill you, but so do lots of viruses that we are exposed to every day. For example, lets take a look at the common flu outbreak that we experience every winter. It is estimated that it kills 36,000 people every year in the Unites States alone. Now if my math is correct here, thats on average approximately 100 people every day. Now I’m not saying there is no need to worry whatsoever but you rarely see anyone walking around during flu season with masks on. And besides, the science behind those masks is that they are more effective to keep things in (and thereby prevent others from becoming sick) rather than keep the virus out.I dont know, i just find it strange how we force markets like the food industry, airline industry, and tourism to suffer because of a virus that we have about a .00001 % chance of getting. I think the media has just created general terror in the populace by first of all calling it swine flu (its airborne and the chances of getting it from cooked pork is so slim i would feel save eating pork for every meal every day (from infected pigs if you really wanted me to) if people would just chill out about all of this) then over publicizing the few deaths while not giving full details on the people who died. Are they infants with weak immune systems, how about 90 year olds, or are they perfectly healthy 25 year olds that are dying?I dont know, maybe its just me.Anyone out there agree with me?Any reasons i missed as to why we should all calm down about it?Any reasons why I’m wrong?I’m up for some food for thought so fire away Thanks!
A: I think that the government or the presses or the news or WHATEVER is making such a big deal about this to get people to stop worrying about the economy. It makes sense, because you are right, 36,000 people die from the regular flu every year. so i agree:)
Hong Kong Travel Safety?
Q: I em going to travel to HONG KONG via Cathay Pacific airways.Firstly,i am afraid of taking planes not because of its aerodynamics but the fact that virus can travel freely through the air in the aircraft.Secondly,the number of people getting Swine A(H1N1) Influenza in Hong Kong is getting more(increasing).I am scared of getting infected.And i have recently watched the show in National Geographic Channel called “Super Flu”.I saw how the virus infect the body.Help me by telling what to do and relieve my fear in my mind.Most of the A(H1N1) is airborne for a distance and i am afraid i can DIE from that.Please help me!!!(((AND CAN I DIE FROM IT???)))(((IN WHAT CHANCES I WOULD DIE)) I need professional help THANK YOU A LOT
A: Don’t know where you are from, Dude, but USA has the most cases of “swine flu”, more than Mexico. Secondly, the mortality rate from it is extremely low.Summary: stop being a wimp, be a man!
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