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Is there a swine flu vaccine for adults

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Yes. The H1N1 vaccine is for: Young adults, from 19 through 24 years of age. People ages 25 through 64 years who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from influenza. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-there-a-swine-flu-vaccine-for-adults ]
More Answers to “Is there a swine flu vaccine for adults
Is there a swine flu vaccine for adults
Yes. The H1N1 vaccine is for: Young adults, from 19 through 24 years of age. People ages 25 through 64 years who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from influenza. ChaCha for now!
How Many Doses of Swine Flu Vaccine are Needed For Adults??
Adults will only need one dose of the vaccine to boost their immunity against the H1N1 influenza.
Will otherwise healthy adults and children be offered the swine f…?
The UK has ordered enough vaccines to cover the whole population but a decision has not yet been made about whether the vaccination programme will be extended beyond the current at-risk and priority groups.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is up with the swine flu vaccine being mandatory? It hasn’t been tested long enough and could harm babies?
A: It’s not mandatory. If you feel that strongly don’t give it to your baby.
What are your thoughts on a fake swine flu vaccine shortage to get people to line up and take the the shot?
Q: During part of the discussion (see transcript) on whether or not the vaccine should be made mandatory for health workers and school children, Lone Simonsen, Research Professor and Research Director at the Department of Global Health, George Washington University, suggests creating an artificial scarcity in order to ramp up demand for the vaccine.http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=217553SIMONSEN: Well, I think this is very interesting because, I mean, especially for the health-care worker example. I mean, there are many, many good reasons why health care workers should be considering immunization for their own safety but also to protect and, first, do no harm to the patients that they are treating. Having said that, does it work to mandate?I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to buy more of something that’s in demand. (Laughter.) We saw that — there was one season where, really, people lined up all night to get a flu shot.COHEN: Right.SIMONSEN: And I mean —COHEN: Well, there is shortage.SIMONSEN: No, actually, because we thought we were going to need two doses for every adult and since we are – only one dose, so, actually, we have twice as many doses and enough for the whole population at this point, I understand.
A: You could stop reading forums and ask the people that produce the vaccine. Politicians don’t make vaccines. Laboratories do.
How do you feel about 0bama forcing health care workers to get swine flue vaccine?
Q: Oct 16, 2009 3:13 pm US/Eastern Judge Halts Flu Vaccine Mandate For Health WorkersNew York Health Care Employees Won’t Be Forced To Get H1N1 Vaccine…For NowNEW YORK (CBS) ― Health care workers in New York will no longer be forced to get the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, CBS 2 has learned. A state Supreme Court judge issued a restraining order Friday against the state from enforcing the controversial mandatory vaccination. The order came as the Public Employees Federation sued to reverse a policy requiring vaccination against the seasonal and swine flu viruses, arguing that state Health Commissioner Richard Daines overstepped his authority.Three parties – the Public Employees Federaion, New York State United Teachers, and an attorney representing four Albany nurses – challenged the order and for now the vaccination for nurses, doctors, aides, and non-medical staff members who might be in a patient’s room will remain voluntary. The health department had said the workers must be vaccinated by November 30 or face possible disciplinary action, including dismissal. PEF said it encourages members to get flu vaccinations, but opposes the emergency regulation requiring the vaccine as a condition of employment.A judge granted a temporary restraining order Friday morning, PEF spokeswoman Debbie Miles said. A court hearing is scheduled for October 30.New York was the first state in the country to initially mandate flu vaccinations for its health care workers, but many health care workers quickly protested against the ruling. In Hauppauge, workers outside a local clinic screamed “No forced shots!” when the mandate came down at the end of September. “I don’t even tend to the sick. I am in the nutrition field. They are telling me I must get the shot because I work in a health clinic setting,” said Paula Small, a Women, Infants and Children health care worker. Small said she would refuse to be vaccinate, worried the vaccine is untested and unproven, leaving her vulnerable. In 1976, there were some deaths associated with a swine flu vaccination. Registered nurse Frank Mannino, 50, was also angry. He said the state regulation violates his personal freedom and civil rights. “And now I will lose my job if I don’t take the regular flu shot or the swine flu shot.” When asked if he’s willing to lose his job, Mannino said, “Absolutely. I will not take it, will not be forced. This is still America.” The protest also shook Albany. Hundreds of demonstrators demanded freedom of choice. After all, as health care professionals, they argue they’re already constantly washing their hands and aren’t likely to transmit or contract the flu. Around 500,000 health care workers would have been slated to receive the vaccine “It’s certainly their prerogative to voice their opinion,” said Dr. Susan Donelan of Stony Brook University Hospital. Donelan said most in the medical community see the benefits and safety of the shots and welcome them, and that hospitals must obey the law. “Our hospital is committed to following the mandate to have our personnel vaccinated,” she said. The state said change was needed this year to save lives. Typically only about 45 percent of health care workers take advantage of voluntary flu vaccines. More than 150 institutional outbreaks of seasonal and H1N1 flu are expected this year in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice centers. There is also a strong resistance to the vaccine from the general public. A new Harvard University poll shows that only four in 10 adults intend to take the vaccine themselves, and only six in 10 plan to give it to their children.http://wcbstv.com/breakingnewsalerts/mandatory.h1n1.vaccine.2.1252672.htmlCoward RobbI don’t get the vaccines to protect myself, but to protect my patients. That’s my agenda, PATIENT SAFETY!!!Well, good for you, pat, pat, pat! (on your bald head)
A: He’s the president and gets to mandate anything he wants.
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