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What are the negative effects of pregnant women getting the H1N1 shot

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Pregnant women are at increased risk for serious illness if they catch H1N1 influenza or seasonal flu. The real, known risk to a pregnant woman and her baby far outweighs the small risks of vaccination (which do not include miscarriage). ChaCha On! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-negative-effects-of-pregnant-women-getting-the-h1n1-shot ]
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What are the negative effects of pregnant women getting the H1N1 …?
Pregnant women are at increased risk for serious illness if they catch H1N1 influenza or seasonal flu. The real, known risk to a pregnant woman and her baby far outweighs the small risks of vaccination (which do not include miscarriage). Ch…

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Question ONLY for WOMENwho are PREGNANT, and have gotten the H1N1 vaccine. If you are not one of these people?
Q: I will report you for not answering the question like I asked!!!Yesterday I had my monthly appointment with my obgyn, who has been in his profession for over 20 years. He actually delivered my brother 21 years ago today! Anyway, he recommended I get the vaccine, which I was on the fence about, one day yes, the next no. Anyway, after discussing it with him I decided to get it. I also have bronchitis, which only flares up if I get sick or smoke, though I have quit smoking about 5 years ago. And when I smoked I needed a puffer, though now it is only when I get sick and it effects my respiratory system that I need puffers. So I decided to get the vaccine due to the fact that this flu, as my doctor told me and has been proven, gets really deep into your lungs, is harder to clear up even for healthy people, so with my bronchitis I was worried about ending up on a respirator. I am 27 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I feel that even though, as with ANY vaccine, treatment, whatnot, that there could be possible side effects including those on my baby, that at least I will be here to take care of my baby where if something happened to me from this flu, and I died, my baby would be motherless. I felt that I did the right thing. But now I see people saying horrible things about pregnant women getting the vaccine. A girl on my facebook posted a link to a site (Mercola, the most popular natural health newsletter) with an article about lots of stuff including why no pregnant woman should get the vaccine. OK so it is all about natural health, this site, which is against anything beyond vitamines and herbal teas and stuff. But I keep seeing all this negative stuff and I am so scared that I have done something wrong and my baby will die. I feel like I am panicing over nothing, I mean what does anyone really know. And people say the politicians and media are using “fear mongering” to make people get the vaccine, but arent these people using fear mongering to prevent people from getting it too? I felt that I had made the right decision and did the right thing, and now I am pretty much in tears thinking I am going to lose my baby. I am so scared, and confused, and I would really like to hear from other pregnant women who have gotten the shot, and how you feel. Also do you know anyone who was pregnant and got the shot and their baby is doing well? I really love my baby and only wanted to do the right thing. If anyone who asnwers this question is not a pregnant woman who got the vaccine, please dont answer with your negative comments because you will be reported. I am here looking to talk to women in my situation ONLY.
A: Wow that is a lot of info to take in. First I was on the fence to about getting the shot too. I think given your past you made the right decision. I however decided against it and got H1N1…last week. It wasn’t that bad for me a fever, a lot of coughing, etc…but I was better after 6 days. My bestfriend got the shot about 3 weeks ago b/c she is a nurse and pregnant. She has since had an ultrasound and her baby is doing just fine (she is 29 weeks pregnant). She felt like it was smart for her to get it since she would be around people who have H1N1. So don’t stress there is nothing you can do about it now. I am sure your baby will be fine. Good Luck!
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