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Where did the pig flu come from

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The swine flu, or H1N1 flu, is a virus that infects pigs that mutated enough to infect humans first in Mexico. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-did-the-pig-flu-come-from ]
More Answers to “Where did the pig flu come from
Where did the pig flu come from
The swine flu, or H1N1 flu, is a virus that infects pigs that mutated enough to infect humans first in Mexico.
Did the swine flu come from pig?
well i dont no for sure but i no that if u have the swine flu u can give it to pigs so by that then that has to mean that someone could have gotten from thier pigs
Where does this bird flu and pig flu come from?
Yes they have always gotten the flu! It’s a major killer of animals like cats. The reason we don’t usually hear about them is because they rarely jump from one species to another.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Where does this bird flu and pig flu come from?
Q: Since when do animals get the flu, do they? have they always gotten the flu, but only now it’s being spread to peopleWe didn’t have this 20 or 30 years agoare you serious Mr. Know it, the all flu comes from birds.
A: Yes they have always gotten the flu! It’s a major killer of animals like cats. The reason we don’t usually hear about them is because they rarely jump from one species to another.
Where exactly did the Swine Flu come from?
Q: Please don’t answer with ‘Mexico’. I already know this. I’m looking for specifically what caused swine flu.I’ve seen like, hundreds of questions on here about Swine flu, but none seem to know exactly how it started or what it really is.Is it like Mad Cow disease, or Bird Flu, or did a rampant pig bite someone therefore creating a flu? Did someone eat old ham and get swine flu?And what are the supposed symptoms of this? Like, how did people know they had it if it was just regular ‘Flu-like’ symptoms?
A: Where did the swine flu come from?Viruses evolve; they are constantly changing. This virus was once unable to cross the species barrier between pigs and people, but now it has now evolved to the point where it is able to do so. This virus is not new, but it is new to us. We have not had a chance to develop immunities to this virus, so it is particularly deadly to us. How do we know when we contract this particular virus?The only way to know absolutely is to have the test to identify the virus. This can be done by the CDC in Atlanta.
Where did the name Swine Flu Come From?
Q: I had heard that the flu was actually named for the doctor that discovered the flu strain and because it came from pigs. I read a post on ABC News and on Topix that talked about his name. Anyone know if this is true?
A: Named after my familyI have the SWINE FLU and bbbbbbboy my HAMSTRINGS hurt and my PORKBELLY aches. I’m so BOAR-ED. I hope the HAMBULANCE can take me to the hospital soon.That’s all folks!
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