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Why do people shake at church

Health related question in topics Religion Spirituality .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people shake at church”,you can compare them.

The habit of shaking hands is a greeting people do at church, just as in polite society. With the H1N1 flu this is disappearing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-shake-at-church ]
More Answers to “Why do people shake at church
Why do people shake at church
The habit of shaking hands is a greeting people do at church, just as in polite society. With the H1N1 flu this is disappearing.
Why do some people fall on the ground and shake in church??
There is an intense competition in which each congregant tries to show that he has more of the Holy Spirit than anyone else. So there is a competiton to see who can shout and yell and writhe and thrash around on the floor the most. It is no…
Is it better to hug someone or shake their hand at church??
Well, at my church we do both. It really depends on the person.

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A: For that matter why not make it super Jesus Juice that gave you Underdog powers for a short time? You’re thinking small.
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