Romantic Novels

The possibilities available to the romance reader and the supply of contemporary romance novels on the market are almost limitless. Bookstores, libraries, and the internet provide ready access to a colorful assortment of romantic fiction.

The largest sub-group of romance books is the contemporary, post-World War II, romantic novel. Types of contemporary novels available to the reader include suspense, “baby love”, international, western, workplace and vacation situations, as well as medical settings.

Within the last few decades, romantic novels have become steadily more lifelike causing the genre to merge with contemporary women’s fiction. Recently some romance novels include elements of the supernatural. In the last few years themes that include werewolves have flooded the market, moving the romance novel into an entirely new nich.

There are several contemporary romance writers who have been providing quality romance novels to readers for decades while fresh new writers join the market daily. Some novels maintain a timeless quality, though many become out-dated and gradually are removed from circulation. Contemporary romance books comprise at least half of all romance novels distributed worldwide.

The romance reader can escape into another dimension and participate in the main character’s world in a safe and entertaining manner. Depending on the reader’s preference, the romantic adventure can provide countless opportunities and pleasures, allowing the reader to get carried away by love and romance.

In this ever changing world, the romance reader has a wonderful assortment of novels to choose from. Contemporary novels are available almost everywhere. There are websites, book groups, and clubs that focus entirely on the romance novel.

Local bookstore, many second hand stores, supermarkets, and magazine retailers sell paperback copies at reasonable prices. On-line viewing allows for instant access. An eBook experience is literally at the romance reader’s fingertips!

Just open the door to romance and step inside!

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