Can it hurt you if you drink old water

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can it hurt you if you drink old water”,you can compare them.

Drinking “old” water isn’t wise when avoidable. Mostly, it is deterioration of old plastic water bottles that is harmful to you. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can it hurt you if you drink old water
Why does my stomach hurt when I drink water?
you’re probably really dehydrated. most people don’t know that you should actually never feel thirsty, because if you do that means you’re already quite dehydrated. you should be drinking water or other water-based beverages consistently th…
Would it hurt a dog to drink chlorinated pool water??
Your dog will be fine. I know people who put small amounts of chlorine in animal’s water in order to keep bacteria, etc., to a minimum. Once a dog drinks out of it’s water bowl/dish/bucket, contaminants are in the water and can result in ma…
When I drink water, my teeth hurt?
It just sounds like you have tooth sensitivity. Try brushing your teeth with Sensodune toothpaste and see if that helps. If not, then you should talk to your dentist about it. Could also mean you need a root canal.

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Is it safe for my 15 yr. old cat to drink water out of a styrofoam bowl?
Q: My father-in-law has a styrofoam bowl that he leaves water in, in the bathroom. And my 15 yr. old cat drinks out of it also. Being 15 yrs. old, my baby is in rather frail health anyway. Was just wondering if the styrofoam will hurt him any. I normally use a regular bowl for food and water myself.
A: Stryofoam will not hurt the cat to drink out of for the most part. However, cats are at high risk for developing feline acne if they do not use a glass or stainless steel bowl to drink out of. It will not cause cancer or any other problem like that though. Best wishes!
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A: Those artificial sweeteners aren’t great for anyone – a common side effect is diarrhea. You can squeeze a bit of lemon into a bottle of water if he likes a flavor.
WIll drinking bath water hurt my son?
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A: When my kids were that age I used to worry about this. I’d console myself by reminiscing about whatever leaf, wing, or chunk of dirt I caught them eating out in the yard.To discourage going forward, we’d refer to it as bum water. ie., you’re drinking water that has touched your bum. I drank tub water as a kid. I remember this vividly. So use me as a failsafe. Does that knowledge make you want to scream for the doctor?
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