Does it hurt your eyes to read in the dark

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It does not damage your eyes, but does cause eye strain, which has many unpleasant temporary symptoms and long term effects. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does it hurt your eyes to read in the dark
Does it hurt your eyes to read in the dark?
No, that’s a myth. Reading in dim light. can make your eyes tired from strain. But there’s nothing damaging about straining the eyes. However, unless you’re one of those people who has no difficulty with reading in dim light, it CAN make yo…
Does reading in the dark hurt your eyes?
Reading in the dark strengthens the sharpness and how you intake objects in the dark but in the long run it wears down your corneas and eventually causes night blindness. I suggest to use a book lamp. Ive seen that you can buy special ones …
Will reading in a dark room hurt your eyes?
Reading in a dark room will put strain on your eyes, but it will not cause any permanent damage to your vision. The most that will happen is that you may experience eye strain and sore/tired eyes… with resting and the use of artificial te…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does reading in the dark hurt your eyes?
Q: Our 18 month old daughter loves to look at books and wants to take them to her crib at night, so she can flip through them before she falls asleep. We don’t want to leave a light on in the room, since then she will never fall asleep! At the same time, we don’t want to let her have them in her crib if the eye strain will hurt her eyes. Any thoughts? Thanks!
A: Reading in the dark strengthens the sharpness and how you intake objects in the dark but in the long run it wears down your corneas and eventually causes night blindness.I suggest to use a book lamp. Ive seen that you can buy special ones that dim to the preferred amount of light (which might be just enough light to help your little one fall alseep) and it projects a very special light thats healthy for your eyes. Good Luck!
Does reading a computer screen in the dark hurt your eyes?
Q: Or is the light emitted from the screen enough?
A: It may cause eyestrain or headaches but won’t do any permanent harm.
Does reading in the dark hurt my eyes?
Q: Is it a myth or is it true. Proof?
A: If there isn’t enough light, your eyes will get tired fast and start burning…so you will stop.No damage done. Your brain is smart enough to give you messages that your eyes are tired and make you stop doing it.
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