How do i get water out of my ear

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How do i get water out of my ear”,you can compare them.

Insert one side of a cotton swab in the affected ear. It will immediately start absorbing the water. Use the other side if needed. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do i get water out of my ear
・ 1 Hop to it. One way to get water out of your ear is to stand on one foot and hop with your ear tilted… ・ 2 Use alcohol. It’s not good to put cotton swabs in your ears as you may damage the ear drums. Instead… ・ 3 Use an ear dryer. Pe…
Just sit upright and don’t tilt or shake your head, as this could make the water go even further into your ear canal. ~Kr
It is probably not water, most likely it is a wax plug. Swimming might have moved it and now it is clogging your ear; water comes out easily if there is nothing blocking the way. To remove a wax plug, pour a capful of rubbing alcohol into y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I get water out of my ear?
Q: Hey, I got water in my ear last night and it just won’t go out!I have tried just about everything I could.Please help?Thanks(:
A: lie down on your side and hum a tune and the pressure should make it come out after about a minute
How to get water out of ear?
Q: I tried all 26 responses to an earlier question on this water in ears dilemma. It’s been in for 6 days! Ocean water. I’ve jumped up and down with head tilted 1 million times, I’ve put in peroxide, I’ve held the thingie down in my ear and jumped, I tapped my head 2 centimeters above my ear and I’ve even been to a doctor who said “Wait, it will come out” More ideas?
A: use alcohol put 2-3 drops wait 5 seconds and tilt your head if you still feel water tilt your head and massage the back of your ear(s) this will penetrate all the liquid in your eardrum.
How do you get water out of your ear after swimming?
Q: I went swimming last night at a birthday party. I got water in my ear. I tried getting it out by hitting that ear, hitting the other ear, jumping up and down, jumping up and down on one foot, wiggling my ear, and I used a Q-tip. But, nothing worked, so I went to bed. I can still feel the water in my ear. Does anybody know a trick to make it come out?
A: if its not gone by tommorow go to cvs or walgreens. they have products to get water out of your ear. one is an aspirator, you fill it with water and squirt it in your ear, it comes out along with the trapped water. another is a product i forgot the name but its like ear drops and it dries it out over a day or so.
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