How do you cure a uti

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Antibiotics, pain meds, and drinking LOTS of water will usually clear up a UTI. If this doesn’t your doctor may order other meds that have to be inserted vaginally. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you cure a uti
・ 1 Drink plenty of fluids and stay well hydrated. A UTI occurs more commonly in the summer when people… ・ 2 Urinate frequently to cure a UTI. Don’t delay if at all possible. Urinating frequently washes bacteria… ・ 3 Take cranberry tabl…
The only way to cure a UTI is to take an antibiotic prescribed by your doctor. Take the entire course of medication. If you stop taking the meds before they are all, leftover bacteria could multiply and cause more problems. Untreated UTI co…
It might be ironic to ask the question, “How to Cure UTI?” and answer it with “Don’t Use Antibiotics!” However, thousands of UTI sufferers will cure their urinary tract infection with using simple natural remedies this y…!&id=2481871

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you treat and cure existing UTI infections naturally?
Q: I’ve heard different things about treating existing UTI infections. Some sites claim that drinking cranberry juice will cure one and can stop them from occurring and other sites say that you have to use antibiotics prescribed from your doctor to cure them. So what im asking is can you really cure UTI’s naturally and how would you do it.
A: I’m sure there are many who have gotten over a UTI without medical treatment. After all, what did we do about such before antibiotics? Long bouts with a UTI can lead to complications like kidney infections, so it’s best to cure it as quickly as possible. You do that with antibiotics.Cranberry juice is thought to increase the acidity of infected urine. This discourages the growth of bacteria, and may reduce the symptoms a bit, but it’s no cure.
Is it possible to cure UTI without antibiotics?
Q: I have had a UTI for the past week or so. I started taking cranberry capsules a 2 days ago (2 capsules a day). I would really like to cure this with out antibiotics. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
A: Sure you can cure it without antibiotics. Antibiotics have only been available to the pubic since the late 1940’s. UTIs have been around forever. Cranberry capsules are a good choice for over the counter treatment. So is acidophilus. If you notice the pain getting worse, or blood on the tissue you wipe with, go to your local ER and take the medication they prescribe you. UTIs can progress into cystitis. A more severe infection that could potentially become systemic.
How long does it take to cure UTI?
Q: So I’ve been to the doctor last week & she says that I most likely have UTI. I did my urination test the day after I went to see my doctor & the results came out but I haven’t met the doctor yet, but she has given me prescription for my medication. I’ve just finished taking all of it…and I don’t feel any difference, I don’t think it has even really helped me! How long does it take to cure UTI?Yes, the medicine is antibiotic.By the way, does UTI give you pain? I don’t feel any pain at all.
A: some uti’s can give you pain depending on the intensity. if its mild, you might not feel pain but if its extreme, yes it would hurt while going ALOT! lol ive had both kinds, for me the extreme was because i left it untreated/1st time i had it, i thought it would just go away when it was mild and it got really bad.anyway now whenever i feel the symptoms comming on i take a cranberry supplement and i do not get it at all. if you want to not even get symptoms of it EVER, you gtg take a daily cranberry supplement, however for me personally i only take the supplement as soon as i feel the symptoms and it comming and it stops it on its tracks ASAP, for myself within 1 hour, it stops. please take cranberry supplements rather than cranberry juice as cranberry juice are full of sugar and more expensive, and the level of crannberry in the juices are very low. ive been to the supermarket and some cranberry juices a 1litre bottle only has 5% cranberry juice wich wont do anything for you really unless you drink 5 litres of it. $2 per 1 litre bottle for 5 litres is $10 where the supplements is 60 tablets for $10 lol the supplements are really cheap, they come in different strenghts, majority is 10,000mg wich the pharmacist would recommed you take 2-3 of the supplements a day if you have the symptoms to ease it, however i bought the 20,000 mg one, *higher strenght supplement**and when i feel the symptoms i take one straight away i dont have to worry about it comming back. one time i didnt have cranberry supplements i got a uti and it got past the symptoms stage where it started hurting abit, so i went out and bought and took 2 20,000mg supplements in 1 day, one for breakfast and one for dinner and it went away completely that very nxt day. infact within 1 hour of taking the supplement i started to feel better. it didnt come back at all. i think for myself it works just as well as antibotics, however when you do read the box in the supplement it says if you have uti and youre taking cranberry supplements and the uti doesnt go away after 48 hours, you should see a doctor. ALSO it is important to drink alot of water with the supplement as it would only help alot.
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