How long does it take for pink eye to go away

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It will take up to 2 to 3 weeks from the time you were infected with Pink eye for it to finally go away. ChaCha knows! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for pink eye to go away
How long does it take for pink eye to go away?
I had it beofre, you should have gotten eye drops, after 2 days of eye drops it is no longer contagious, and the redness starts to fade away immediately, it’ll probably be there for about a week though
How long does it usually take for pink eye to go away??
about 4 days with antibiotic eye drops from the doctor
How long does it take for a dogs pink eye to go away??
ur vetenatrian shoud have told u that, consult ur vetenarian and ask him by calling him.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long does it take for pink eye to go away?
Q: okay, so i got pink eye yesterday, i went to the doctors today. i got the anti-biotics some scream stuff. but i know it only takes about a week for it too clear up, but how long will it take for the redness to go away?also how can you tell if you have viral or bacterial pink eye? one more thing my left eye kills like a mofo when i look at lights for too long so i wear shades to help, but how can i help more?
A: I had it beofre, you should have gotten eye drops, after 2 days of eye drops it is no longer contagious, and the redness starts to fade away immediately, it’ll probably be there for about a week though
How long does it take for a dogs pink eye to go away?
Q: My dog is a bernese mountain dog, and he is around 20 weeks old. We noticed that his eyes were really pink and took him to the vet. She gave us some medicine (it was a gel thing that you put in is eyes). I have been doing it three times a day like the vet said, but how long until it goes away. And how will i tell if it is gone.
A: ur vetenatrian shoud have told u that, consult ur vetenarian and ask him by calling him.
how long does it take for pink eye go away by itself?
Q: If its not that serious of an infection. and you dont use any medication or eye drops.
A: if it isn’t that bad one or two days but you don’t have to use your eyes that much:no television,no reading…just sleep and stay in a dark room
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