How to prevent sweaty hands

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How to prevent sweaty hands”,you can compare them.

Try clapping cornstarch or talcum powder between your palms. Medicated powders are available to soak up moisture, too. Claus out! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to prevent sweaty hands
i’m a girl too and don’t worry, ive had exactly the same thing. i started suffering from it at intermediate school and have it now, 5 years later. i went on many trips to various doctors to try get it sorted and found out that yes, its very…
Sweaty hands are caused by hyperactive sweat glands present in the nervous system. This condition is often hereditary and surface during childhood onwards. Sweaty hands can be a problem for a number of people and they can be really embarras…
Many types of skin have this issue heres what i do well for some people is to use powder or cornstarch to soak up the excessive perspiration that ends up on their hands. The only problem with this technique is you need to keep reapplying it…

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A: Try clapping cornstarch or talcum powder between your palms. Medicated powders are available to soak up moisture, too. =]
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A: Get a palmolive soap(the green one), then put baby powder on your hands. The palmolive soap has something that really dries your hands.
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A: think this is as close to what you are looking for as you can get. I can’t say from experience that it works, but this is exactly what it’s made for. If it’s that big a problem, it’s worth a try. Good luck!
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