What are some treatments for a canker sore

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Canker sore treatments: Try rinsing your mouth with a solution of teaspoon salt dissolved in 8 ounces of water or MORE? ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-treatments-for-a-canker-sore ]
More Answers to “What are some treatments for a canker sore
What are the treatments for canker sores?
Since canker sores heal by themselves, treatment is not usually necessary. Pain relief remedies, such as topical anesthetics, may be used to reduce the pain of the sores. The use of corticosteroid ointments sometimes speeds healing. Avoidan…
Can Homemade Treatments Work for Canker Sores?
Some Simple Home Remedies May Help Heal Canker Sores Most outbreaks of canker sores, those painful little sores on the inside of your mouth or the underside of your tongue, aren’t serious enough to need a doctor. (Don’t confuse them with co…
Do You Know Anything About Canker Sore Treatment?
Anyone who has ever suffered from canker sores most commonly called cold sores has most likely found themselves searching for ways to get rid of them. Not only are canker sores painful; but they also cause other types of issues such as self…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Most effective canker sore treatment?
Q: Every few months I get a really really bad series of canker sores that make eating, drinking, talking, and smiling unbearably painful for several weeks. I have to apply Orajel to numb my mouth at least once every couple hours so I can just get through the day.I was wondering if anyone’s found a more effective treatment method. I’ve read about Benadryl Allergy and Milk of Magnesa as potential ways to reduce the pain – do they really work? Any other suggestions, particularly ones that might help the sores go away faster?
A: I have given out this treatment for canker sores many times here on Answers. You must treat it systemically and also modify your diet until you get it under control. Topical treatments only take away the discomfort temporarily, but do nothing to heal the problem.For an out break purchase a supplement called Lysine. It is an amino acid support. It comes in varying strengths. The one I use is 700 mgs per capsule. While you are having an out break of these nasty little mouth sores, you can take as many as 6-8 capsules per day with no side effects. It is perfectly safe and natural. Spread it out over the day…2 for breakfast, 2 for lunch, etc. You will find that within a day or two the sores will be much improved and healing. Then you will cut back the dosage to one or two per day. This is called PREVENTION. And I promise once they have gone away this will keep those things from returning. Lysine is available where most supplements are sold. (Supermarket, Walmart, Target or a local CVS) It is inexpensive and very effective. Try to find a good quality brand. While you are in break out mode stop eating things that aggravate the situation. Tomatoes, strawberries, many citrus fruits, etc. Once you are healed and using Lysine as a prevention on a daily basis, you will be able to go back to eating those foods high in acids. Drink black tea since it contains tannins which are soothing to the sores while you are broken out.
Does anyone have any good treatments for canker sores?
Q: I get bad canker sores cause by my braces and other trauma to the mouth. Nothing I’ve tried really helps. Just a little bit of relief. Any help would be great. Thanks.
A: Canker sores are the worst! You just have to wait out until your skin gets used to it.. but wax makes it better and so does Colgate’s Peroxyl. It’s like a mouthwash but cleans your canker sores and makes them feel better.
How long does a canker sore last without treatment in your mouth?
Q: I have one in my mouth and it bugs really bad! When I eat if food touches it, it hurts! Grrr… stupid canker sore… I hate them!!!Well, not really bad… Over exaggerating. 😛 It just really bugs me!
A: They can last a while, especially if they’re in a place that gets rubbed/touched alot. I’d suggest you put salt on it. It hurts like hell, but it changes the Ph balance in the wound and kills the bacteria. It’ll heal up ALOT faster. Good luck.
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