What are symptoms of having a cold

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are symptoms of having a cold”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of the common cold: nasal stuffiness or drainage, sore or scratchy throat, sneezing, cough, sometimes fever or headache. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-having-a-cold ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of having a cold
What are the symptoms of having a cold or the flu?
When you have a cold, you’ll know. You feel tired, your nose may be a bit stuffy, and you’ll have just general malaise. Colds are rarely harmful though. You just feel a bit crappy. When you have the flu, you’ll DEFINITELY know! It feels lik…
What does having multiple colds without symptoms except fatigue m…?
I can’t diagnose, but “my doctor’s attitude of telling me is nothing isn’t really helping” is a big sign that you need a new doctor. Ability to communicate, be heard and helped is important in this sort of relationship. Get a new …
When people say they had cold like symptoms while pregnant what a…?
Stuffy or runny nose is a pretty common symptom. If you’re having what seem to be pregnancy symptoms, you can test for pregnancy. Usually once you have symptoms, there’s enough hormones in your body to give an accurate result. I never got t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why would my skin feel so sore after having cold symptoms?
Q: I’ve been sick for 3 days now with cold like symptoms, running a fever (over 101), congestion in the chest, coughing, sneezing. Today my skin has just hurt. Not only to the touch, but just in general it is very sore. I don’t know why. At the moment I am not running a fever, so I know it’s not from that. What could cause my skin to be sore feeling and even feel sore inside as well?
A: I also got like this when I had mono and strep throat…it sucks! Feel better soon!
My cats all got cold and starting having cold symptoms, no diarrhea and no vomiting just sneezing and slightly
Q: coughing. There are two who have not started feeling better and the rest are playing and running, all of the usual stuff for kittens and the adults are all better. There was never a loss of appetite except for these two. I have been giving them chicken broth by dropper. Any other suggestions as I can not afford the vet at this time. I am also giving them water regularly.
A: dont giv them wet foodgiv dried 1also take them out for a walk at the park to let them find themselve the herbs tat will cured them[by my ‘cat’ fren]may ur cat b healthy soon..
Is it possible for your body to be fighting a cold even if you show no symptoms of having a cold?
Q: For the past week I haven’t felt my normal self. I’ve been sleeping a lot more than usual, felt lousy majority of the time and have had no motivation to do anything productive. I can’t figure out whats wrong with me and the only thing that comes to mind is that my girlfriend has been sick over the past week and that I may have gotten the cold she has but am not showing any symptoms (she has a runny nose, cough etc and I don’t have any of that).
A: Yes it is possible for your body to be fighting a cold when you aren’t showing symptoms yet. It means its entering your body but it is quickly fighting to prevent you from getting sick.I know that constant fatigue is a symptom for a different illness. If it persists, I believe it won’t be the cold. See your doctor in that case.
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