What are the first symtoms of swine flu

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More Answers to “What are the first symtoms of swine flu
What are the first symptoms of swine flu?
The typical symptoms are: ・ sudden fever, and ・ sudden cough. ・ headache, ・ tiredness, ・ chills, ・ aching muscles, ・ limb or joint pain, ・ diarrhoea or stomach upset, ・ sore throat, ・ runny nose, ・ sneezing, and ・ loss o…
When was the first time you had the swine flu symptom??
On the Chicago-Delhi flight on July 4 I had a sore throat. And then? In Delhi, it wasn’t that bad. But on the flight to Pune, I felt feverish, cold, I had a cough, sore pain and I was restless. I reached home and we had a get-together th…
How Long Are You Contagious After First Symptoms Of Swine Flu Occ…?
2 to 3 weeks but it wise to ere on the side of caution and say 4 weeks to be absolutely safe; however wash all clothes because virus may have a dormant rest stage we are not sure about it;

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the symtoms of swine flu?
Q: my little girl is sick but i cant figure out what she has what are the symtoms of swine?
A: The symptoms of swine flu are very common and similar to those of a common cold/flu. If your daughter starts getting a fever and won’t go away/ or gets worse in 24 hours then you should consider taking her to a doctor. Other symptoms you should watch out for are cough, difficulty breathing, runny nose, cough, sneeze, weakness, body aches, etc. I highly suggest going to the doctor if your daughter starts experiencing vomiting/diarrhea/fever along with these symptoms.Good luck and I hope your baby girl gets better (:
What are the symtoms of the swine flu and is their any cures?
Q: i live about 3 hours from ny city and this swine flu has caused over 10 deaths since spring break and im worriedplz respond fast!
A: The media has completely overplayed the flu. If you have access to a good doctor and medicine, the flu can be treated fairly easily and the chance of you dying is very low if not nil. The flu becomes a problem when it’s introduced to more third world regions i.e. Mexico where access to the proper care and medication is not so good.
What are the swine flu symtoms?
Q: Okay, well my fever is 102.4Throat is almost swollen shut!my left side is killing me !runny nosediaharria.terrible head-achei’m not saying i have swine flu , i’m just woundering…Thanks , btw. i’m only 13.
A: Symptoms of swine flu are like regular flu symptoms and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many people with swine flu have had diarrhea and vomiting. Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these symptoms. But these symptoms can also be caused by many other conditions. That means that you and your doctor can’t know, just based on your symptoms, if you’ve got swine flu. Health care professionals may offer a rapid flu test, although a negative result doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have the flu.Like seasonal flu, pandemic swine flu can cause neurologic symptoms in children. These events are rare, but, as cases associated with seasonal flu have shown, they can be very severe and often fatal. Symptoms include seizures or changes in mental status (confusion or sudden cognitive or behavioral changes). It’s not clear why these symptoms occur, although they may be caused by Reye’s syndrome. Reye’s syndrome usually occurs in children with a viral illness who have taken aspirin — something that should always be avoided. Only lab tests can definitively show whether you’ve got swine flu. State health departments can do these tests. But given the large volume of samples coming in to state labs, these tests are being reserved for patients with severe flu symptoms. Currently, doctors are reserving antiviral drugs for people with or at risk of severe influenza.
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