What are the symptoms of lupus disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of lupus disease”,you can compare them.

Most people feel generally tired and run a temperature. Symptoms also include headache, mouth ulcers, and painful joints. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-lupus-disease ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of lupus disease
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How To Fight Lupus Disease Symptoms
With Lupus Disease people will see many different types of skin sores. Lupus is very common disease in todays world. But the issue with Lupus is that people around you can’t really tell how sick you are inside. There is only one disease tha…
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Lupus is called the great imitator because its symptoms mimic so many other diseases. However, the one that seems to share an overwhelming similarity is rheumatoid arthritis. Both are autoimmune. Both cause joint pain and swelling. Both cau…

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Q: from one another when being diagnosed?
A: http://www.medicinenet.com/fibromyalgia/article.htmhttp://www.niams.nih.gov/hi/topics/lupus/slehandout/http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/arthritis-lyme-diseasefind out for yourself at the above sites.
I have alot of the symptoms of Lupus, does anyone know anything I should know about the disease? Thanks, Kim?
A: My friend has it and it can attack any organ, you need to go to the Dr. ASAP before it acts up. She takes steroids when it does and gets all swollen. You can’t be in the sun too long. She has two children, even thought they tell you not to have any because it takes a higher toll on your body. She takes medication everyday and vitamins. SHe also has arthritis. Talk to your Dr. Don’t worry, it is a common disease and it can be controlled.
Anyone know of an online self quiz for Lupus Disease?
Q: Anyone know of an online self quiz for Lupus Disease?I have seen them for other diseases and other things as well online and was wondering if anyone knew of one where you can check all the symptoms and things that apply to you and it would tell you.THANKS.
A: Hi I found a self Lupus quiz at I village. com. It dosnt quiz you to see if you have Lupus, it quizzes you to tests your knowledge on Lupus. I will give you the link. I myself has Lupus, so I thought your question was great, because memebers of the support group I co-own on Yahoo Groups are always asking me to make a quiz up for them, since I do all the Lupus research, I just always seem to get so caught up in doing the research that I never have time to make up the quiz. If you do have Lupus, and would like to join a fun, supportive, knowledgable, loving group I will also give you the link to the group I co-own. we are a rather heavy posting group, with up wards of 3,000+ posts most months. we talk about our illness’s, our daily struggles, and life in general. The links to the quiz and the site will be below. Im also going to take the quiz. Again, great question.Chris
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